Chapter 95:kneel down

Since Ye Tao entered the company on the first day, Oloy has found that Ye Tao is different from others. After this period of observation, she found that Ye Tao is indeed a man of both virtue and talent, so she must be promoted well in the future.

"Thank you, President, for cultivating! I will work hard! "

Ye Tao stepped back and waited quietly for the president to deal with all this.

"Zhou Weijian, in view of your recent bad behavior in the company, you have been removed from the position of deputy manager from today, and I hope to see your resignation report in the office tomorrow morning!"

Oloy immediately announced his ruling against manager Zhou.

After hearing this, Zhou Weijian collapsed to the ground, and the president gave him face and let him resign on his own initiative, which in essence was tantamount to firing him.

"Manager Liu, although you are an old employee of the company, adding harmful substances to the product is really damaging to the image of the company, so you and he are treated the same way!"

Oloy then announced his ruling on Manager Liu.


Manager Liu was a little older, and when he heard it, he fainted on the spot.

"President, you have to think twice before you do it. Nowadays, the vacancy of the product department manager has a great impact on the normal operation of the company!"

Ye Tao thinks it is best not to fire manager Liu so soon, and it is not too late to fire manager Liu after finding the right person.

But the president's next announcement surprised him a little.

"you're really right. From today on, you will also be the manager of the products department, and the sales department and the product department will all be managed by you alone!"

Oloy announced Ye Tao's appointment.

After hearing this, Ye Tao was confused. How long did he join the company? he suddenly became the leader of both departments. The speed of promotion was really like riding a rocket.

After seeing this scene, the salespeople next to them looked envious one after another, and they had not even mixed up with a deputy manager for several years since they had come to the company.

"President, I don't have the relevant experience before!"

Ye Tao showed modesty, in fact, with his medical knowledge, want to manage the product has not developed better co**etics, is a drop in the bucket.

It's just that modesty is a traditional virtue, and sometimes things have to be said.

"I have faith in you!"

Oloi patted Ye Tao on the shoulder with her hand, and she looked forward to it.

"Don't worry, President, I won't let you down!"

The promise made by Ye Tao.

After all, Oloy believed so much in himself that if she were to be disappointed again, I was afraid he was too much of a thing.

At this time, Uncle Security suddenly rushed into the sales department, his face showed a look of anxiety.

"something big is going on!"

The security guard said out of breath.

"what happened? Say it quickly! "

Oloy is obviously in a hurry.

"A rich second generation came to the door of the company, and brought a lot of bodyguards, directly blocked the door of the company!"

Uncle Security replied.

"who on earth came to trouble with my company?"

Oloy showed surprise, recalling that he had not offended anyone recently, and that he had never had a bad relationship with anyone on the principle of peace and fortune.

"I don't know. I heard what the third son of Xiao's group came to our company for an explanation!"

Uncle Security recalled.

"it's him!"

After hearing this, Ye Tao showed a sudden realization.

Perhaps because I abandoned Xiao Tengfei that day, so Xiao Tengfei came to the door to avenge it.

"do you know something?"

Oloy showed a puzzled appearance.

"the thing is, when I was out the other day, Xiao Jingfei asked me for trouble, so I scrapped him by the way!"

Ye Tao said all the things, after all, this matter is because of him, so it should be borne by him alone, although it can not involve others.

Besides, he likes to do things alone, and Ye Tao decides to face it alone.

"what exactly did you do to him?"

Oloy showed a very curious look.

"it's nothing, it's just that he'll never be a man!"

Whether Ye Tao wants to say it directly.

"what a relief!"

When Oloy had heard it, instead of being angry, he showed a very happy look.

After all, Xiao Tengfei stuck to her like cowhide, and now Xiao Tengfei has become an eunuch, so there is no reason to haunt her.

"I'm very sorry, it's all because of my reasons for causing great trouble to your company. You can rest assured that I will solve this matter well with him!"

Ye Tao showed a look of guarantee.

"you don't have to do this at all. You're in conflict with him because of me, so I'm sure I'll help it to the end!"

Oloy also knows that Xiao's group is very powerful, and it is completely impossible for Ye Tao to solve this matter alone.

Moreover, the family power behind Oloy is not simple, in the face of such a strong and powerful Xiao Group is also somewhat certain.

"but I don't want to rely on women's help to solve this problem!"

With Ye Tao, men should rely on their own ability to solve things, with women in the hands of this is what is going on? It's beneath the dignity of men.

"Don't be hard, either. Let's go and have a look!"

Said Oloy.

"you all stay here. I'll just go and have a look at it with the president!"

In order not to involve other innocent people, Ye Tao ordered his staff, including Chen Ping, to stay in the office and not move.

But Chen Ping is not happy. How can he say that he is also Ye Tao's brother? how can he not help Ye Tao when he is in trouble?

"Brother Tao, take me with you. If there is any sudden incident, one more person can have one more strength!"

Then Chen Ping said.

Ye Tao was suddenly a little moved. I didn't expect Chen Ping to come forward at this critical moment. This is the so-called distress to see the true feelings.

"well, then come with me. Once something happens, don't worry about me!"

Ye Tao said.

"I assure you, if anything happens, I will die with you even if I die!"

Chen Ping replied.

After all, when he was in huge debt, because only Ye Tao extended a helping hand to him, Chen Ping had always remembered this kindness.

"good brother!"

Ye Tao showed a very moving look.

Then the three left the office of the company and came to the door of the company.

At this time, there are several luxury sports cars parked in front of the company, and also occupy a large number of bodyguards, the head of the man is Xiao Tengfei.

"son of a bitch, you finally showed up. I've been looking for you so hard!"

Xiao Tengfei showed anger when he saw the person he was looking for.

It is precisely because Ye Tao let him lose his male function, so he can not spend a few days, the heart is full of anger.

Even if Xiao's group has strong financial resources and connections, but in the search for famous doctors, Xiao Tengfei is still unable to cure his own defects.

"isn't the last lesson enough?"

Asked Ye Tao.

Although Xiao Tengfei has a large number of people over there, it does not mean that he will be afraid.

After all, he was the only one who could cure Xiao take-off.

Just when people thought Xiao Tengfei was going to take his bodyguard to fight, suddenly a very unexpected scene appeared.

After "Pop", Xiao Tengfei actually knelt directly on the ground, and he showed the appearance of pleading.

"Big Brother, I used to have eyes that didn't know Tarzan. Please save me. I really don't want to be an eunuch for the rest of my life!"

After all, Xiao Tengfei showed a look of annoyance. After all, there is no difference between a man's loss of that function and death.

A rich second generation of beautiful women like him is like a cloud, if let him watch this number of beautiful women around the side of the whole life but can not move anything, it is hell of a torment.?

Let people see this scene after a blank mind, originally thought it was a bad thing to come to the door, but never expected to find such a dramatic scene, it is really a little unresponsive.

Chapter 226: reliqueChapter 155: go to City AChapter 111:menaceChapter 82:reportChapter 141: do a favourChapter 220: gnosisChapter 308: rampantChapter 324: angerChapter 161: angerChapter 343: be at easeChapter 284: requestChapter 381: teaseChapter 84:setoutChapter 378: To confirmChapter 118: welcomeChapter 349: revoltChapter 85: rumorChapter 155: go to City AChapter 256: trembleChapter 252: molestChapter 302: birthdayChapter 155: go to City AChapter 246: coercionChapter 104: celebrateChapter 262: fearfulChapter 34:beauty careChapter 253:planChapter 49: fameChapter 276: chaosChapter 225: adviseChapter 216: no hopeChapter 104: celebrateChapter 163:failureChapter 238: explainChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 29: commitmentChapter 197: warningChapter 378: To confirmChapter 319: arrangeChapter 18: big peopleChapter 147: toxicantChapter 134: cozeChapter 148: ventureChapter 277: prudentChapter 226: reliqueChapter 304: congratsChapter 347: mildnessChapter 363: matchChapter 283: robbersChapter 102: punishChapter 81:strifeChapter 282: warningChapter2:CrashChapter 364: cureChapter 217: locationChapter 372: disputeChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 20: foregatherChapter 208: furyChapter 116: order formChapter 230: meetChapter 67:postChapter 189: argueChapter 34:beauty careChapter 172: treatChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 83: worryChapter 212: accidentChapter 370: altarChapter 413: suddenlyChapter 256: trembleChapter 121:furyChapter 281: moveChapter 249: sneerChapter 128: apologyChapter 343: be at easeChapter 171: excitedChapter 90: destroyChapter 42:separateChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 400: variationChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 32: longgeChapter 397: prisonChapter 180: chatChapter 171: excitedChapter 326: expiationChapter 286: handsomeChapter 374: controlChapter 107: giftsChapter 166: shockChapter 263: companyChapter 361: hazardChapter 198: geniusChapter 208: furyChapter 267: luckChapter 218: accidents
Chapter 226: reliqueChapter 155: go to City AChapter 111:menaceChapter 82:reportChapter 141: do a favourChapter 220: gnosisChapter 308: rampantChapter 324: angerChapter 161: angerChapter 343: be at easeChapter 284: requestChapter 381: teaseChapter 84:setoutChapter 378: To confirmChapter 118: welcomeChapter 349: revoltChapter 85: rumorChapter 155: go to City AChapter 256: trembleChapter 252: molestChapter 302: birthdayChapter 155: go to City AChapter 246: coercionChapter 104: celebrateChapter 262: fearfulChapter 34:beauty careChapter 253:planChapter 49: fameChapter 276: chaosChapter 225: adviseChapter 216: no hopeChapter 104: celebrateChapter 163:failureChapter 238: explainChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 29: commitmentChapter 197: warningChapter 378: To confirmChapter 319: arrangeChapter 18: big peopleChapter 147: toxicantChapter 134: cozeChapter 148: ventureChapter 277: prudentChapter 226: reliqueChapter 304: congratsChapter 347: mildnessChapter 363: matchChapter 283: robbersChapter 102: punishChapter 81:strifeChapter 282: warningChapter2:CrashChapter 364: cureChapter 217: locationChapter 372: disputeChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 20: foregatherChapter 208: furyChapter 116: order formChapter 230: meetChapter 67:postChapter 189: argueChapter 34:beauty careChapter 172: treatChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 83: worryChapter 212: accidentChapter 370: altarChapter 413: suddenlyChapter 256: trembleChapter 121:furyChapter 281: moveChapter 249: sneerChapter 128: apologyChapter 343: be at easeChapter 171: excitedChapter 90: destroyChapter 42:separateChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 400: variationChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 32: longgeChapter 397: prisonChapter 180: chatChapter 171: excitedChapter 326: expiationChapter 286: handsomeChapter 374: controlChapter 107: giftsChapter 166: shockChapter 263: companyChapter 361: hazardChapter 198: geniusChapter 208: furyChapter 267: luckChapter 218: accidents