Chapter 185: healing

The man in front of him is in line with what Brother long said. He will not be the man the boss said.

So he asked, "excuse me, who are you?"

"my name is Ye Tao."

When he heard him say Ye Tao, he suddenly had a recurrence of asthma. I didn't expect it to be the person his big brother was talking about.

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Huang Mao really caused him trouble.

Ye Tao looked at Chen Fei's expression and understood that it must be Chen long's brother, as he said.


After a while, he wrote down a prescription, to put it bluntly, on the face of his brother, promised to help him.

"in the future, strictly follow the prescription, I guarantee you will be able to completely recover asthma within half a year, but some taboos have to be observed, I wrote it all on it."

"and this prescription can not be leaked, can be given to moral Chinese medicine doctors, but absolutely not to the black heart doctor, otherwise I can save you can also hurt you." Ye Tao handed the prescription to the dragon and said seriously.

If he writes a prescription casually, it will be enough for the so-called experts to study it carefully.

A prescription can produce a paper, can save more people's things, naturally can not easily give to others, after all, prescription can save people and harm people more.

Between this thought, it all depends on the hearts of the people.

"is this prescription so good?" Huang Mao still does not believe that there is doubt after listening to it.

He was amazed that Ye Tao could see that he had only one kidney, which he admired, but a prescription. There was no need to be so serious.

"if you're good or not, I'll know if I tried. I wanted to prescribe a prescription for your kidneys to help you maintain your kidneys, so that you can live at least a few more years, but it's a pity." Ye Tao ignored Huang Mao's words with a faint **ile.

Although the yellow hair kidney is very powerful, a kidney can support their own body detoxification needs, but after all, it is only a kidney, it is also an organ, like a machine for a long time overload can also go wrong.

"I..." Hearing this, Huang Mao's face changed slightly, and Ye Tao was naturally not alarmist.

Now Huang Mao knows Ye Tao's power, because there is only one kidney, even if this kidney is very strong, Huang Mao still has to go to the hospital regularly for examination, and even have to do dialysis.

If Ye Tao really has this ability, then...

"Brother, I was just talking nonsense, and if you can do that, I hope." After a complete awakening, Huang Mao could not help beating a spirit, looking at Ye Tao, who was indifferent to his face.

However, Ye Tao waved his hand and interrupted him without paying attention to him.

"well, now I know I'm good, but I regret that I can't make it. In other people's words, you missed a big opportunity."

"A man with a kidney, hehe."

Look at the yellow hair eat flat, Oloi also some can not hold back, can not help laughing, by the woman laughed at Huang Mao more blush.

"you pay attention to what you say, and you don't see where you are now." Huang Mao was a little angry and turned around and threatened Oloy.

Even if there is Ye Tao to protect now, looking at the face of the flying dragon, Huang Mao dare not mess with Oloy, but threatening two sentences can still be.

Oloy had an accident here today, losing the face of his family.

Fortunately, however, Chen Fei will be a human being, giving up a street to return the face of the European family, although it is not a profit but not a loss for ou Qing.

It was not until after leaving that Ye Tao Fang recalled the meaning of the words of ou Qing and Chen Fei just now. He lost a face and changed his face with a street industry. This face was a little too big.

"what does Dr. Ye think of this Chen Fei?" On the way back, ou Qing and Oloi sat in the back, Ye Tao sat as a co-pilot.

While Ye Tao was meditating, ou Qing asked with ease.

In the eyes of outsiders, ou Qing is just asking casually, but Ye Tao, who understands it, does not think so.

In fact, Ye Tao does not know why ou Qing asked himself, thinking about it or telling me what happened today.

Throughout the interpretation process, Ye Tao did not mention his own evaluation of Chen Fei at any point.

However, believe in their own words, ou Qing after listening to the heart has reached a conclusion.

Ye Tao certainly has his own ideas. Ye Tao knows that his advice is to give himself face, but Ye Tao also knows that he is not a member of the European family, but only looks at this from the point of view of an outsider.

In that case, it would be good for both ou Qing and Ye Tao.

"Oh, this boy I have some impression of him, in the past in my home for a period of security, then committed asthma, can not continue to practice martial arts, can not reach the peak of Ming Jin, so he was fired."

"but speaking of which, this young man is also a good material for martial arts practice. At the age of 15, he began to practice martial arts and almost reached his peak in just five years. Unfortunately, he had asthma and ruined his future." Ou Qing stroked his beard and said with a faint **ile.

Hearing this from ou Qing, Ye Tao did not answer, but glanced at the person who was driving.

When ou Qing came out just now, he brought two people, one in charge of driving, the other driving in the back, which was regarded as Ye Tao, who had already begun. At a glance, he could see that the two men were very good at each other.

However, Ye Tao was shocked or, even Chen Fei such outstanding people can not look after the door for the European family, how much behind the European family is in the end?

Even if Chen Fei has asthma, the strength may retreat, at least it is Bai Yu and other strength, but such a person, even the security of the European family can not do, this Xiangjiang is hidden dragon crouching tiger.

"Today and Chen Fei, although it is only a punch, I also have a lot of harvest, but also thanks to uncle O'Uncle for giving me the opportunity to come to Xiangjiang to see the good scenery." Ye Tao said with a **ile.

Ye Tao used to think that Bai Yu was already very good, but he didn't expect that even a man like Chen Fei could not be a security guard in this tiny place of Xiangjiang.

Of course, this is the security of the European family, but this is also enough to show that Xiangjiang this place is extraordinary.

"Oh, I heard my father mention that Dr. Ye is not only a superman, but also a martial arts wizards. If one day, I believe Dr. Ye can fly in the sky." Ou Qinglang **iled.

Ye Tao, however, did not know how to answer it, so he had to be silent.

If you say modest, ou Qing may think he is pretending, but if you answer, it means that he is a little arrogant again.

Finally, Ye Tao chooses silence to be right, which is the best estimate.

After returning to EU home, it was late at night. Ye Tao and ou Qing talked for a few words before going upstairs to bed.

Ye Tao knows that ou Qing called himself to Xiangjiang, not to see that it is so simple, tomorrow's treatment may be the key.

The next day, Ye Tao got up early and practiced Yi Jin Jing and Yongchun Quan for a while in the backyard of the European Banshan Villa, looking for a bridge. since practicing martial arts, this is a must-do thing for Ye Tao every day.

As soon as Ye Tao had finished calling, Oloy came and asked him to have breakfast.

When Ye Tao arrived at the restaurant, there was another person, no one else. It was Chen Fei last night.

"Please sit down, Dr. Ye. My little brother is now in charge of driving for Mr. O, and he will ask Dr. Ye to take care of him in the future." Ye Tao had just entered, and Chen Fei got up hurriedly after seeing him. Perhaps knowing that Ye Tao had doubts in his heart, Chen Fei took the lead in explaining.

"well, congratulations." Ye Tao was also rude and sat down straight down.

However, Chen Fei became Mr. ou's driver overnight. Ye Tao still felt a little surprised, and Wu Qing was also absorbed in eating breakfast. Ye Tao didn't ask much.

"Thank you, Dr. Ye. I gave me a set of medicine yesterday. I felt much better after I took it." Chen Fei sat down and looked at ou Qing and said with a **ile.

Chen Fei said as he looked at ou Qing, who was sitting on the side.

"that's natural, or I wouldn't have asked Dr. Ye to come over, but it's not clear which subject Dr. Ye is best at."

Chapter 275: busyChapter 355: expectChapter 389: heresChapter 260: fundChapter 185: healingChapter 217: locationChapter 351: roilChapter 102: punishChapter 131: meetingChapter 156: happenChapter 189: argueChapter 361: hazardChapter 324: angerChapter 53: stop itChapter 27:acneChapter4:ScoldingChapter 43:pleadingChapter 139: farceChapter 208: furyChapter 294: be fooledChapter 281: moveChapter 205: businessChapter 271: rapidChapter 381: teaseChapter 26: chitchatChapter 109: projectChapter 393: Method ofChapter 402: ruseChapter 66: prosperityChapter 229: strategyChapter 281: moveChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 160: The battleChapter 403: controlChapter 411: functionChapter 199: appallChapter 11: FailureChapter 337: doubtChapter 285: abilityChapter 96: seek helpChapter 365: abuseChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 262: fearfulChapter 53: stop itChapter 264: statusChapter 41: comaChapter 29: commitmentChapter 351: roilChapter13:SuccessChapter 104: celebrateChapter 39: arroganceChapter 187: persuadeChapter 263: companyChapter 362: jealousChapter 250: recallChapter 151: mistakeChapter 341: panicChapter 108: phone callChapter 308: rampantChapter 226: reliqueChapter 57:miserableChapter 197: warningChapter 164: meaningChapter 43:pleadingChapter 241: fightersChapter 90: destroyChapter 80: fleeChapter 186: backdropChapter 309: purposeChapter 92: conspiracyChapter 286: handsomeChapter 240: powerfulChapter 66: prosperityChapter 282: warningChapter 95:kneel downChapter 400: variationChapter 253:planChapter 31:meansChapter 215: departureChapter 17: leaveChapter 339: situationChapter 49: fameChapter 378: To confirmChapter 357: conspireChapter 359: abjectionChapter 199: appallChapter 337: doubtChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 111:menaceChapter 21: shoppingChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 183: botherChapter 295:performChapter 73:employeeChapter 19: obligationChapter 131: meetingChapter 183: botherChapter 201: victimsChapter 145: solitudeChapter 149: fight
Chapter 275: busyChapter 355: expectChapter 389: heresChapter 260: fundChapter 185: healingChapter 217: locationChapter 351: roilChapter 102: punishChapter 131: meetingChapter 156: happenChapter 189: argueChapter 361: hazardChapter 324: angerChapter 53: stop itChapter 27:acneChapter4:ScoldingChapter 43:pleadingChapter 139: farceChapter 208: furyChapter 294: be fooledChapter 281: moveChapter 205: businessChapter 271: rapidChapter 381: teaseChapter 26: chitchatChapter 109: projectChapter 393: Method ofChapter 402: ruseChapter 66: prosperityChapter 229: strategyChapter 281: moveChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 160: The battleChapter 403: controlChapter 411: functionChapter 199: appallChapter 11: FailureChapter 337: doubtChapter 285: abilityChapter 96: seek helpChapter 365: abuseChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 262: fearfulChapter 53: stop itChapter 264: statusChapter 41: comaChapter 29: commitmentChapter 351: roilChapter13:SuccessChapter 104: celebrateChapter 39: arroganceChapter 187: persuadeChapter 263: companyChapter 362: jealousChapter 250: recallChapter 151: mistakeChapter 341: panicChapter 108: phone callChapter 308: rampantChapter 226: reliqueChapter 57:miserableChapter 197: warningChapter 164: meaningChapter 43:pleadingChapter 241: fightersChapter 90: destroyChapter 80: fleeChapter 186: backdropChapter 309: purposeChapter 92: conspiracyChapter 286: handsomeChapter 240: powerfulChapter 66: prosperityChapter 282: warningChapter 95:kneel downChapter 400: variationChapter 253:planChapter 31:meansChapter 215: departureChapter 17: leaveChapter 339: situationChapter 49: fameChapter 378: To confirmChapter 357: conspireChapter 359: abjectionChapter 199: appallChapter 337: doubtChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 111:menaceChapter 21: shoppingChapter 420: NirvanaChapter 183: botherChapter 295:performChapter 73:employeeChapter 19: obligationChapter 131: meetingChapter 183: botherChapter 201: victimsChapter 145: solitudeChapter 149: fight