Chapter 28: awaken

But no matter how Miss Su explained her previous mistakes to Ye Tao, Ye Tao looked at Miss Su's face and said with a **ile, "this lady, I tell you, your heart is like your face, which makes me sick." What's the reason you asked me to help you this time? And I wonder if your husband can continue to live with you when he looks at your face. "

Bai Yu went to Ye Tao and pulled him by the arm and said, "you don't really want to make this Miss Su look like this!"

Ye Tao, without any expression, said firmly, "I hate this kind of woman the most in my life, and I don't like being bullied by others, so she deserves it all. I already told her that if she came to you and my trouble again, then her face would be full of acne, and I wouldn't even be able to help her then."

Bai Yu looked at Miss Su and did not know what to say, and Miss Su's husband did not know what to do at this moment. He looked at her wife and struggled in his heart.

Miss Su went to her husband and saw her husband pointing at her and saying, "Don't come over, just stand there and don't come over!" Apparently even her husband began to dislike her at this moment.

Miss Su looked at herself in the mirror and ran to Ye Tao and cried, "I'm sorry!" What happened before is that I was wrong. I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope you can restore my face. "

Ye Tao looked at Miss Su and slowly bowed down and said to her, "did you see that?" You just married into the big house because of this face. Without this face, you're nothing. Now that even your husband hates you, how do you want me to help you? "

Miss Su pulled Ye Tao by the arm and cried, "I ask you to help me get back to the way I am. This time I really know it wrong. I will never come here again to find your trouble. This face is my life. If you destroy my face, it will ruin my life."

Miss Su's husband did not know what to do, and he said to Miss Su, "if you don't return your face to the same way, then I don't think you have to go home again. My mother can't stand such a shock."

Miss Su's husband left after talking. At this moment, it was only the three of them. Ye Tao was even more hardhearted. He went to Bai Yu with a **ile and said, "you haven't had lunch yet, have you?" Why don't we go to lunch now? How's it going? "

Bai Yu looked at Miss Su and said nothing. She pointed to the expression of doubt on Miss Su's face. Ye Tao immediately pulled Bai Yu away, leaving Miss Su crying alone.

After the two men walked out of the beauty hospital, Bai Yu glared and asked, "do you really want to let Miss Su look like this?" She already apologized to you and me. "

Ye Tao **iled and said, "of course not. When have you ever seen me so hard-hearted?" I just taught her a little lesson, hoping she could understand that without that face, she was nothing. "

Bai Yu **iled and said, "when can her face return to its original appearance?" Don't you help her recover now? "

Ye Tao raised the corner of his mouth and took Bai Yu's hand and said, "Don't worry about the rush!" She's gonna stay in the office waiting for you and me.

Along the way, Ye Tao took Bai Yu's hand. It seemed that at this moment Bai Yu had left everything behind her. Now all she knows is that Ye Tao is holding her hand.

Slowly Bai Yu grabbed Ye Tao's hand more tightly. She **iled and asked, "where are we going to eat next?"

Ye Tao looked around and reminded him that the man he was holding was Bai Yu. He immediately let go of Bai Yu's hand and said pale, "I'm sorry just now, and I took your hand all the way."

As soon as Bai Yu heard that her heart seemed to collapse, she asked, "so did you just accidentally hold my hand?" Bai Yu deliberately asked Ye Tao tentatively.

"maybe I was so excited that I mistook you for Su Wei."

As soon as Bai Yu heard Su Wei, she only listened to his heart with a "thump!" "so you just mistook me for Suwei, didn't you?" she asked. "so you just took my hand and mistook me for Suwei?"

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have held your hand. "

Bai Yu realized that Ye Tao still had an unforgettable emotion for Su Wei. At this moment, she suddenly realized that Ye Tao had only given him an illusion that she had been good for her and mistook her for Su Wei.

Bai Yu **iled and said to Ye Tao, "it doesn't matter. I don't mind if you and I are college clas**ates holding hands. I don't mind at all."

Ye Tao **iled and asked, "are you sure you don't mind?"

Bai Yu nodded. Although on the surface she did not say that she cared, she seemed to have been hit deep in Bai Yu's heart.

At this moment, Bai Yu suddenly disappeared from her mood of eating. She just wanted to find a quiet place to sit and think about something quietly.

Bai Yu deliberately pretended that nothing had happened and said to Ye Tao, "Why don't we just find a simple one to eat?" Don't forget there's someone waiting for you and me in my office! "

Ye Tao **iled and said, "all right, let's just find a family to eat!"

Soon after the two simply ate, Ye Tao and Bai Yu returned to the office. As expected, Miss Su was hiding on the ground alone and crying. Ye Tao went to Miss Su and said, "Miss Su, I hope you can keep your promise this time. If you don't keep your promise again, then I will really make your face look like that forever."

As soon as Miss Su looked up and **iled and said to Ye Tao, "Please believe me this time, I promise I will never do such a thing again."

Ye Tao looked at Miss Su's face full of acne and shook his head and took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine cabinet and slowly **eared it on Miss Su's face.

"Miss Su has something I need to tell you as a person, and you see that your husband has mercilessly abandoned you as he sees your face now, so he just likes you because of what you look like, not because he loves you, but because of your beauty."

Miss Su nodded and thanked Ye Tao even more. "I also know that my husband just likes my face, so she wants to come to the beauty hospital for rectification. I hope he can always look like this."

Bai Yu shook her head and said, "Miss Su, it is foolish of you to think so, so when your face grows old in the future!" Although you wander in the sea of money, what you have lost since then is yourself! "

As Ye Tao slowly **eared all the medicine on Miss Su's face, she saw that the little pimple on her face slowly faded into skin and fell.

Tears burst out in Miss Su's eyes, and she said, "Thank you, thank you both for forgiving me. I will never do these things again."

Ye Tao **iled and said nothing. As the pimples on Miss Su's face fell off, she slowly stood up and looked in the mirror and **iled in her face and said, "Thank you!"

This time Miss Su bowed deeply to Bai Yu and Ye Tao, but Ye Tao could feel her sincerity compared to the previous bow.

Miss Su stood up and **iled and said, "in the future, I will let all my good sisters come to you for beauty. Thank you both for letting bygones be bygones."

Chapter 339: situationChapter 261:meaningChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 85: rumorChapter 366: weed outChapter 79: teaseChapter 102: punishChapter 184: provokeChapter 58: puzzledChapter 142: etiologyChapter 239: secretChapter 371: ShennongChapter 249: sneerChapter 256: trembleChapter 183: botherChapter 182: meetingChapter 115:spreadChapter 216: no hopeChapter 151: mistakeChapter3:ReasonChapter 349: revoltChapter 385: shortcutChapter 74: sprainChapter 238: explainChapter 248: surmiseChapter 318: regretChapter 339: situationChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 413: suddenlyChapter 76: have supperChapter 243:friendChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 167: excusesChapter 172: treatChapter 192: obstructChapter 179: profitChapter 234: doubtChapter 171: excitedChapter 54: donationChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 313: elatedChapter 39: arroganceChapter 276: chaosChapter 210: healChapter 209: cureChapter 363: matchChapter 222: comebackChapter 199: appallChapter 138: momentChapter 379: appallChapter 197: warningChapter 97: costChapter 245:meetChapter 197: warningChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 295:performChapter 382: chaosChapter12:TurningChapter 276: chaosChapter 274: intensifyChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 184: provokeChapter 18: big peopleChapter 137:contestChapter 368: bewitchChapter 17: leaveChapter 281: moveChapter 91: manager LiuChapter13:SuccessChapter 167: excusesChapter 43:pleadingChapter 16: reckonChapter 232: impedeChapter 160: The battleChapter 411: functionChapter 284: requestChapter 63: objectiveChapter 243:friendChapter 252: molestChapter 286: handsomeChapter 137:contestChapter 172: treatChapter 108: phone callChapter 79: teaseChapter 401: agreementChapter 342: secretChapter 39: arroganceChapter 417: intactChapter 189: argueChapter 62: resolveChapter 356: orderChapter 166: shockChapter 214: Bad railChapter 109: projectChapter 284: requestChapter 96: seek helpChapter 315: convulseChapter 253:planChapter 398: water holeChapter 112: tests
Chapter 339: situationChapter 261:meaningChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 85: rumorChapter 366: weed outChapter 79: teaseChapter 102: punishChapter 184: provokeChapter 58: puzzledChapter 142: etiologyChapter 239: secretChapter 371: ShennongChapter 249: sneerChapter 256: trembleChapter 183: botherChapter 182: meetingChapter 115:spreadChapter 216: no hopeChapter 151: mistakeChapter3:ReasonChapter 349: revoltChapter 385: shortcutChapter 74: sprainChapter 238: explainChapter 248: surmiseChapter 318: regretChapter 339: situationChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 413: suddenlyChapter 76: have supperChapter 243:friendChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 167: excusesChapter 172: treatChapter 192: obstructChapter 179: profitChapter 234: doubtChapter 171: excitedChapter 54: donationChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 313: elatedChapter 39: arroganceChapter 276: chaosChapter 210: healChapter 209: cureChapter 363: matchChapter 222: comebackChapter 199: appallChapter 138: momentChapter 379: appallChapter 197: warningChapter 97: costChapter 245:meetChapter 197: warningChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 295:performChapter 382: chaosChapter12:TurningChapter 276: chaosChapter 274: intensifyChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 184: provokeChapter 18: big peopleChapter 137:contestChapter 368: bewitchChapter 17: leaveChapter 281: moveChapter 91: manager LiuChapter13:SuccessChapter 167: excusesChapter 43:pleadingChapter 16: reckonChapter 232: impedeChapter 160: The battleChapter 411: functionChapter 284: requestChapter 63: objectiveChapter 243:friendChapter 252: molestChapter 286: handsomeChapter 137:contestChapter 172: treatChapter 108: phone callChapter 79: teaseChapter 401: agreementChapter 342: secretChapter 39: arroganceChapter 417: intactChapter 189: argueChapter 62: resolveChapter 356: orderChapter 166: shockChapter 214: Bad railChapter 109: projectChapter 284: requestChapter 96: seek helpChapter 315: convulseChapter 253:planChapter 398: water holeChapter 112: tests