Chapter 170: pity

In terms of Ye Tao's current strength, this is not a good thing.

"well, we'll be back early tomorrow morning, just in time for me to go back and do something." Ye Tao also did not think much, immediately agreed to come down.

This time go to A city hospital, let Ye Tao have a lot of harvest.

In order to develop and grow his medical career, Ye Tao knows that it is impossible to rely on himself alone, and must get the support of more people.

Wei Min is a rare good seedling, unfortunately she does not want to go to L City, which makes Ye Tao feel a little pity.

As for the paper and other things, Ye Tao suddenly looked at it a little bit, feeling that it is not important to hang up his name or not.

The next day, the trio got up early in the morning, and Oloy and Bai Yu were driving here.

Because Xu Tiejun didn't come back last night, Ye Tao got up and called him to make things clear and left.

Xu Tiejun was naturally repeatedly retained, and Ye Tao could only politely refuse.

Just returned to L City, Ye Tao did not return to his residence the first time, but made an appointment with Oloi, let her wait for herself in the company.

Ye Tao wants to do a business with her, very good business.

Ye Tao came to the office of the president of the co**etics company, and unexpectedly, Oloy was here.

"what are you doing here?" I was surprised to see Ye Tao Oloi.

There were so many things that had happened recently that she didn't have time to take care of so much. She didn't expect Ye Tao to come here.

"I have something to do with you, and it's a big deal." Ye Tao was also impolite, pulled a chair, sat directly opposite Oloi, looking at the Oloi, dressed in a professional suit, full of figure.

In the whole city of L, and even in Guangdong Province, the business ability of Oloi is recognized by the public.

This is also the purpose of Ye Tao's willingness to cooperate with her.

"what's up?" When he saw Ye Tao turning around with himself, Olou frowned slightly.

"there's one thing you may need your support for. Does your co**etics company invest in computer software or medical related companies? I'm going to run a medical journal, and I need to build a website, and I might have to publish a journal magazine or something later. "

Ye Tao also did not waste time, to his heart's thoughts bluntly out.

Ye Tao had this plan to present his paper with Xu Tiejun before, but now he can't wait to realize it.

"Medical journals? What are you doing with this? " The more Oloy listened, the deeper his eyebrows frowned.

It is the Internet age, journals and magazines are not really out of date, but this is a medical journal, the population is special.

Ye Tao's idea was a little bold, so that Oloy could not hold it when he thought about it at will.

In short, this is a tiresome thing.

"to disseminate medical knowledge and knowledge, of course, the main purpose is to publish papers, and it is necessary to have a breakthrough in medical related fields in order to recruit papers."

"the main purpose is to help better people treat more diseases." Ye Tao said solemnly on his face.

Ye Tao knows that if you want to save more patients, you can't rely on yourself.

Not to mention the height of his current medical technology, but Ye Tao is confident that he will publish some of his experiences on medicine and let more doctors see it, and then treat patients better.

Oloy's eyebrows stretched slightly after listening, but there was more and more confusion in his eyes.

"I see. Do you want to take the path of nature, science and the Lancet?" Oloi immediately understood what, but could not help but question.

This road is passed by the predecessor, others have been gone for hundreds of years, Ye Tao now has nothing, with what to fight with others?

"that's right, but there are some differences. We started with traditional Chinese medicine, and we will certainly involve Western medicine in the future, but at first this step should not be too big."

"traditional Chinese medicine is the essence of our traditional medicine. Unfortunately, at present, there is no decent Chinese medicine magazine journal in China. Now the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine is very shallow, resulting in public opinion to our disadvantage. What I want to do is to enroll all this and become a professional medical magazine periodical website, taking this as an opportunity to popularize our traditional Chinese medicine." Ye Tao vowed to say.

Traditional Chinese medicine has its own philosophical system to guide the treatment of diseases.

Unfortunately, very few people go to sum them up, and many of them have not been able to keep pace with the times. This is a very difficult problem.

"Let me remind you that this is a good idea. Let's not consider commercialization such as profitability for the time being. Take your feelings for example. I know you're good at medicine, but it's not just one person to sit up, in other words, more doctors are needed to do it together. "

Oloy saw the problem at a glance and gave Ye Tao guidance.

She was afraid that Ye Tao was on a whim, and that she had wasted her time.

"you don't have to worry about this. In a few days, a Chinese medicine paper will come out. I need a website now. When our content accumulates enough, we can consider the publication of periodicals and magazines when our influence expands."

"Talent content, I'll find a way, you hire someone to help me set up the website. But this website is built, I can do a little better in all aspects. " Ye Tao waved his hands and said, with his face all over his face.

Ye Tao, of course, knows that what he lacks most is talent and content.

But now he has found one, and that is Wei Min.

In writing papers, Wei Min is definitely a master, when everything will be left to her to review.

Even if she doesn't come to L City, on the other side of City A, she can review her papers online.

What is most lacking is a master of all kinds of diseases. Ye Tao has not found many candidates now. He only hopes that Xu Tiejun will be able to sum up his previous treatment for the five thorns.

The rest is A City Hospital, hoping that under the guidance of Xu Tiejun, the doctors there will also be able to come up with two papers on related diseases.

"if you're sure you can do it, I'm sure it's okay on my side. Even if you look for outsourcing, it's not a big deal to build a website. I just want you to stick with it, not just come up with it for a while. " Oloy did not refuse Ye Tao, but still gave Ye Tao a wake-up.

As a young president, Oloy naturally considers a wider range of issues than Ye Tao.

But she believes in Ye Tao's ability.

"well, in this way, the website will be built as soon as possible, and then I will have people connect directly with the people who operate the site." When he heard Oloy say yes, Ye Tao immediately **iled.

To tell you the truth, Ye Tao really didn't think of anyone else except for Oloy.

After he and Oloy finalized the matter, Ye Tao did not stay in the co**etics company for a long time, but went back to his residence.

When the website is built, you need to have good content. Ye Tao wants to find the predecessor of Baiqi.

Speaking of which, Ye Tao is still a little ashamed of the old doctor of Baiqi's predecessor. He has so many things that he has not been able to explore some problems with him.

Not everyone can send the paper to the website, and not all of them can write it. They have to be screened layer by layer.

With regard to the review of papers on acupuncture and moxibustion, Ye Tao wants Baiqi's predecessor to take the lead.

"Xiao, you're back. Hurry up. I need your help." As soon as Ye Tao returned to the clubhouse, as soon as he was ready to take a break, the predecessor of the White Banner rushed down from the second floor when he saw him.

Look at the white flag predecessor anxious busy, Ye Tao does not feel slightly frowning.

"White and old, what's wrong?" Ye Tao asked hurriedly.

As an old Chinese medicine practitioner for many years, Ye Tao has not seen the white flag predecessor so panicked.

"Let's go," we said as we walked. "do you know that cholera has begun to occur again in Guangdong Province recently?" The predecessor of the white flag pulled Ye Tao to the second floor, and he frowned and asked.

Chapter 274: intensifyChapter 9:trapsChapter 320: on purposeChapter 405: situationChapter 388: promoteChapter 208: furyChapter2:CrashChapter 164: meaningChapter 199: appallChapter 87: intendChapter 67:postChapter 253:planChapter 354: statusChapter 61:have a talkChapter 388: promoteChapter 274: intensifyChapter 45: skillChapter 283: robbersChapter 377: arrayingChapter 244: memoryChapter 238: explainChapter2:CrashChapter 340: inquiryChapter 179: profitChapter 99: dreamsChapter 102: punishChapter 66: prosperityChapter 219: medicineChapter 155: go to City AChapter 347: mildnessChapter 65:hypnoticsChapter 239: secretChapter 258: conflictsChapter 189: argueChapter 302: birthdayChapter 388: promoteChapter 341: panicChapter 221: refuseChapter 50: fleerChapter 317: factChapter 77: amazingChapter 234: doubtChapter 155: go to City AChapter 301: startleChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 322: actionChapter 17: leaveChapter 259: plotChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 56: bad newsChapter 170: pityChapter 204: send wordChapter 226: reliqueChapter 287: mightyChapter 80: fleeChapter 57:miserableChapter 204: send wordChapter 94: despicableChapter 318: regretChapter 298: HelpChapter 54: donationChapter 163:failureChapter 332: entrustChapter 195: scrupleChapter 193: fearChapter 410: terrorChapter 44: Money fattyChapter 291: shakeChapter 232: impedeChapter 251: wagerChapter 218: accidentsChapter 308: rampantChapter 84:setoutChapter 200: situationChapter 49: fameChapter 18: big peopleChapter 363: matchChapter 86: attendChapter 321: feel illChapter 307: coercionChapter 114: nameChapter 302: birthdayChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 36: helpChapter 129: spiteChapter 256: trembleChapter13:SuccessChapter 39: arroganceChapter 194: restChapter 419: harvestChapter 330: secretChapter 382: chaosChapter 412: modestyChapter 363: matchChapter 401: agreementChapter 198: geniusChapter 245:meetChapter 128: apologyChapter 280: crisesChapter 179: profit
Chapter 274: intensifyChapter 9:trapsChapter 320: on purposeChapter 405: situationChapter 388: promoteChapter 208: furyChapter2:CrashChapter 164: meaningChapter 199: appallChapter 87: intendChapter 67:postChapter 253:planChapter 354: statusChapter 61:have a talkChapter 388: promoteChapter 274: intensifyChapter 45: skillChapter 283: robbersChapter 377: arrayingChapter 244: memoryChapter 238: explainChapter2:CrashChapter 340: inquiryChapter 179: profitChapter 99: dreamsChapter 102: punishChapter 66: prosperityChapter 219: medicineChapter 155: go to City AChapter 347: mildnessChapter 65:hypnoticsChapter 239: secretChapter 258: conflictsChapter 189: argueChapter 302: birthdayChapter 388: promoteChapter 341: panicChapter 221: refuseChapter 50: fleerChapter 317: factChapter 77: amazingChapter 234: doubtChapter 155: go to City AChapter 301: startleChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 322: actionChapter 17: leaveChapter 259: plotChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 56: bad newsChapter 170: pityChapter 204: send wordChapter 226: reliqueChapter 287: mightyChapter 80: fleeChapter 57:miserableChapter 204: send wordChapter 94: despicableChapter 318: regretChapter 298: HelpChapter 54: donationChapter 163:failureChapter 332: entrustChapter 195: scrupleChapter 193: fearChapter 410: terrorChapter 44: Money fattyChapter 291: shakeChapter 232: impedeChapter 251: wagerChapter 218: accidentsChapter 308: rampantChapter 84:setoutChapter 200: situationChapter 49: fameChapter 18: big peopleChapter 363: matchChapter 86: attendChapter 321: feel illChapter 307: coercionChapter 114: nameChapter 302: birthdayChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 36: helpChapter 129: spiteChapter 256: trembleChapter13:SuccessChapter 39: arroganceChapter 194: restChapter 419: harvestChapter 330: secretChapter 382: chaosChapter 412: modestyChapter 363: matchChapter 401: agreementChapter 198: geniusChapter 245:meetChapter 128: apologyChapter 280: crisesChapter 179: profit