Chapter 298: Help

Then Ye Tao sent his mobile phone to Oloy's eyes, and Oloy immediately stayed at it.

Then with the video broadcast, her eyes tears clattered down, and finally can only cover their own mouth, in order not to let themselves cry out!

"Oh, my God, I really did it!"

Oloy sobbed and was moved to the extreme, and for the first time in her life she saw such a powerful moment as Eurasian.

Then he turned to Ye Tao and nodded gratefully and said, "Ye Tao, it is right for me to give you Xiao Tian. How do you want to educate him in the future? I will never interfere!"

Ye Tao heard that he spoiled and rubbed Oloy's fragrant shoulders.

Ye Tao slowly said: "this is only the beginning, as you can see, he won this time is also relatively difficult, from the real strong, he still has a long way to go!" Oloy nodded heavily.

"but at least, this is a good start."

Ye Tao **iled and responded, but in his heart he also felt very gratified. Oujingtian's performance still made Ye Tao very satisfied.

At least at the end of the day, they were not paralyzed by the three men opposite, and they could not stand up at all.

But the complete outbreak will defeat these three people, although the means of obscene and even dirty and despicable, but the shock effect is very strong!

This is really a good start.

And for Fu Zongtang in the old house of Fu family, this is definitely not good news.

He also has a live video from different angles in his hand!

The more he looked at the eyes, the bigger he stared, and eventually even the eyes were about to fall out of his eyes!

"son of a bitch! Why, why is this happening? "

Fu Zongtang has forgotten how many cell phones he dropped.

And at this time, the door of Fu Zongtang was knocked down.


Fu Zongtang was asked about the drink burned in his anger.

Then heard the shaky voice of the old housekeeper outside: "Master, yes, it is Yan Wei of Jinjumen Yan family in Qingzhou capital to pay a visit!"

When Fu Zongtang heard the words, his pupils shrank.

It's really a wave, one wave after another!

Fu Zongtang's face was bleak to the extreme, but only hesitated for a second.

He whispered to the outside, "Let him in!"

For this Yan Wei, Fu Zongtang is not too respectful!

After all, this guy paid to be a bodyguard in the first place.

Jin Ju Men's real strong man must be in awe of Fu Zongtang, but these **all characters, Fu Zongtang will not pay attention to it at all!

Therefore, the tone is not so polite.

However, since we want to let each other in, this means that Fu Zongtang is also to give some results for the matter of Yan Huazhen and his son!

The door opened and Yan Wei came in anxiously.

There was no intention to say hello to Fu Zongtang at all.

"Master Fu, what about our young master and master? Why there is no news so far, this is all over the night! "

Fu Zongtang heard that although the voice of questioning for each other, very impatient, and even some anger broke out.

But there was still a bitter **ile on his face.

Shake your head and say, "come on, show you these things and you'll see everything!" This cell phone was lost to Yan Wei.

Yan Wei was a little stunned, and he looked at it with his mobile phone.

The above two videos are perfectly connected!

The angle is overlooking the European home.

The following two people are Yan Huazhen and Yan Qi's father and son.

The two men knelt down in the European compound respectfully and obedient to the extreme!

"this... How is that possible? Why is this happening? "

Yan Wei's face changed so much that he could not believe it and looked at Fu Zongtang.

This is terrible.

How scary is the energy that Yan Huazhen and his son put together?

How could these two men kneel directly in the courtyard of the European family?

Fu Zongtang looked at Yan Wei's expression and shook his head.

"well, as you can see, whether it's strict or strict, the two of them refused to let me follow when they went to Europe!"

"so, I don't know exactly what's going on right now!"

"but it can be speculated that their father and son are already under the control of the European family!"

Yan Wei woke up suddenly, and then shook his head and exclaimed!

"this is impossible. How could a **all European family in Qingjiang County have this kind of power?"

"it is impossible, even if the guy around Ye Tao is strong in martial arts, but it is impossible to defeat our young master and his master together!"

When Yan Wei had finished his words, he could not help but begin to tremble.

Obviously, he's going to be swallowed up by fear now.

Fu Zongtang skimmed his mouth.

"I don't believe in this kind of thing either, but the facts do not allow us to believe it!"

Right away, the conversation turned around.

"Oh, by the way, have you reported this to the Yan family?"

"Yan Shao didn't go back with his owner all night. I believe the Yan family has already made a mess, right?"

Yan Wei heard this sentence, but also the soul fly nine days excited trembling cried.

"how can I report such a thing? it's so serious that I'm sure I'll be killed!" When Fu Zongtang heard the words, he frowned slightly.

I didn't expect the problem to happen to this guy named Yan Wei.

If Yan Wei is not so afraid to tell the Yan family about this matter to death, perhaps the Yan family's hometown owner has now broken through the customs and left the house.

Where can I put things off until now?

However, this is also to give Fu Zongtang time.

"well, I am also worried that after telling the Yan family about this matter, it will affect the closure and practice of the hometown owner, so I put the matter down for the time being."

Obviously, Fu Zongtang is just shirking responsibility.

However, this sentence let Yan Wei regard Fu Zongtang as a lifeline!

This is to Fu Zongtang on one knee kneel excited.

"Master Fu, now my life can only rely on you, ah, now that this matter is reported, I will be dead ah!"

When Fu Zongtang heard this sentence, he could not help shaking his head with a bitter **ile.

"well, if you have something to say, get up first!"

"Mr. Fu, I really have to rely on you! Taking advantage of the fact that there is nothing wrong with the young master and the owner, please hurry up and save it! "

The voice of Yan Wei's pleading has even been brought with a cry!

Fu Zongtang nodded in embarras**ent: "well, I promise you I won't tell the Yan family about it. Well, it should have been said!"

"Thank you, thank you, General Volt!"

Yan Wei is grateful to Fu Zongtang, but does not know that he has become a tool for Fu Zongtang to dump the pot.

This is not because Fu Zongtang did not want to tell the Yan family, but because Yan Wei this guy repeatedly blocked, resulting in a delay in time.

The pot not only succeeded, but also let the guy who took the blame be grateful to himself!

This is also the successful side of the old fox in Fuzongtang.

Then Fu Zongtang helped Yan Wei up.

"well, I have already gathered a large number of martial arts strong, among them, there is no lack of martial arts peak of the strong!"

"We're going to kill you! We must save Yan Shao from the Yan family! "

In the meantime, Fu Zongtang said, the momentum on his body soared madly, killing swept out, like a tsunami.

Yan Wei was immediately deterred, and then nodded gratefully: "Thank you for your total rescue."

Looking at his excited appearance, he had to kneel down and kowtow to Fu Zongtang!

"well, don't wait too soon for dusk, and our masters should gather and finish it!"

Fu Zongtang is still very cautious. Even if Ye Tao cannot be killed today, he must show his sincerity.

His sincerity to the Yan family, when he had to, Fu Zongtang will also choose to run directly, when the Yan family can not blame half of the blame.

And you have to show 1000% of your strength to fight with the European family!

This is the chips in Fu Zongtang's hands!

Chapter 150: chitchatChapter 128: apologyChapter 149: fightChapter 387: thunderChapter 142: etiologyChapter 326: expiationChapter 163:failureChapter 332: entrustChapter 258: conflictsChapter 387: thunderChapter 161: angerChapter 221: refuseChapter 157: apologyChapter 156: happenChapter 321: feel illChapter 131: meetingChapter1:BreakupChapter 133: meet withChapter 395: toxicantChapter 76: have supperChapter 313: elatedChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 251: wagerChapter 32: longgeChapter 15:UrgentChapter 317: factChapter 202: suffererChapter 303: springeChapter 205: businessChapter 261:meaningChapter 273: priceChapter 404: join handsChapter 310: braveChapter 121:furyChapter 206: killerChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 173: requestChapter 210: healChapter 348: commerceChapter 95:kneel downChapter 290: evidenceChapter 53: stop itChapter 277: prudentChapter 257: angerChapter 104: celebrateChapter 68: new workChapter 358: planChapter 196: improveChapter 97: costChapter 181: gainChapter 230: meetChapter 393: Method ofChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 317: factChapter 249: sneerChapter 108: phone callChapter 26: chitchatChapter 119: banquetChapter 98:be fooledChapter 400: variationChapter 298: HelpChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 114: nameChapter 192: obstructChapter 136: loveChapter 239: secretChapter 82:reportChapter 365: abuseChapter 68: new workChapter 213: sound outChapter 184: provokeChapter 185: healingChapter 287: mightyChapter 312: clashChapter 92: conspiracyChapter 66: prosperityChapter 355: expectChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 388: promoteChapter 29: commitmentChapter 109: projectChapter 393: Method ofChapter 369: strategyChapter 404: join handsChapter 238: explainChapter 26: chitchatChapter 116: order formChapter 380: regressChapter 56: bad newsChapter 344: tabooChapter 105: referralChapter 131: meetingChapter 110: suppliersChapter 364: cureChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 235: furyChapter 259: plotChapter 210: healChapter 303: springeChapter 59: debt
Chapter 150: chitchatChapter 128: apologyChapter 149: fightChapter 387: thunderChapter 142: etiologyChapter 326: expiationChapter 163:failureChapter 332: entrustChapter 258: conflictsChapter 387: thunderChapter 161: angerChapter 221: refuseChapter 157: apologyChapter 156: happenChapter 321: feel illChapter 131: meetingChapter1:BreakupChapter 133: meet withChapter 395: toxicantChapter 76: have supperChapter 313: elatedChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 251: wagerChapter 32: longgeChapter 15:UrgentChapter 317: factChapter 202: suffererChapter 303: springeChapter 205: businessChapter 261:meaningChapter 273: priceChapter 404: join handsChapter 310: braveChapter 121:furyChapter 206: killerChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 173: requestChapter 210: healChapter 348: commerceChapter 95:kneel downChapter 290: evidenceChapter 53: stop itChapter 277: prudentChapter 257: angerChapter 104: celebrateChapter 68: new workChapter 358: planChapter 196: improveChapter 97: costChapter 181: gainChapter 230: meetChapter 393: Method ofChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 317: factChapter 249: sneerChapter 108: phone callChapter 26: chitchatChapter 119: banquetChapter 98:be fooledChapter 400: variationChapter 298: HelpChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 114: nameChapter 192: obstructChapter 136: loveChapter 239: secretChapter 82:reportChapter 365: abuseChapter 68: new workChapter 213: sound outChapter 184: provokeChapter 185: healingChapter 287: mightyChapter 312: clashChapter 92: conspiracyChapter 66: prosperityChapter 355: expectChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 388: promoteChapter 29: commitmentChapter 109: projectChapter 393: Method ofChapter 369: strategyChapter 404: join handsChapter 238: explainChapter 26: chitchatChapter 116: order formChapter 380: regressChapter 56: bad newsChapter 344: tabooChapter 105: referralChapter 131: meetingChapter 110: suppliersChapter 364: cureChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 235: furyChapter 259: plotChapter 210: healChapter 303: springeChapter 59: debt