Chapter 207: insist

Before that, Oloy had received the wind, but did not relax at all and did not give in.

Ye Tao also had a hunch that even ou Qing came to take Oloi away and didn't want her to get involved in the matter.

Obviously, ou Qing also knows very well how good the person who came this time is, which is far from being able to deal with it, not to mention that there are still very powerful forces behind it.


The phone rang again.

"Twenty-five people." Ye Tao was once again frightened to hear the number.

Twenty-five people, ah, that is 25 living people, can not resist the difficult to say that the people who come is a master of secret strength?

Ye Tao still remembers that when Chen Ping shot, he also solved 20 or 30 people.

"stop it." Ye Tao looked at Oloy and trembled in his voice.

Oloy looked at him quietly and did not speak.

"if you don't stop, it's too late. How many do you have? A hundred, two hundred? Or a thousand? " Ye Tao has no choice but to be very decadent.

The other side is aggressive, must have been fully prepared.

Ye Tao does not doubt the strength of those people in the Oloy security business, but after all, it is not enough to face the master.

"I'm ready for the whole army." Oloy said calmly on his face.

In her eyes, it seemed that she did not take this matter to heart, and what she was most concerned about was Ye Tao.

Ye Tao's heart trembled slightly. He knew better than anyone how important these people were to Oloy's co**etics company.

After the original cooperation with the European family, ou Qing must have sent a lot of European people, the purpose is to support the security business of Oloi co**etics company, which requires a lot of human, material and financial resources.

But it is not easy to cultivate, it is not easy to gain a foothold in L City, but now we have to face the danger of losing the whole army. The price is really too high.

"it's not worth it to protect me." Ye Tao murmured in the blood of his heart.

He was just an ordinary man, a little doctor, and Ye Tao still couldn't figure out why Oloy helped himself like this.

From the beginning to the present, Oloy secretly did not know how many times he had been helped.


"thirty-six people."

The number of people who have been damaged by the phone ringing is still on the rise.

Hearing the increasing numbers, Ye Tao had some emptiness as if he had been hollowed out. They were all raised by Oloy, but she still had no expression on her face.

It seems that these people are really just numbers in her eyes, and there is no doubt that today's fight will shock the martial arts world of L City, nothing else, but that these people in Oloy are not simple people.

But in the face of super strong opponents, they can not resist even if they let go.

"Fifty people." The numbers are still on the rise. Oloy is still indifferent.

Ye Tao, on the other hand, his eyes are red and full of hate, Ye Tao hates ah, he hates himself is too not a person, too is too not a man.

I can't believe I can only sit here and watch others kill each other step by step.

"that's enough." Ye Tao shouted and stood up and clenched his fist.

Then, Ye Tao strode out, really can no longer spend so much will only make the loss more heavy.

"you can't go out now." Oloi then got up and stopped Ye Tao at the door.

She wrapped her hands around her chest and stared covetously at Ye Tao. Her eyes were cool and there was no emotional fluctuation.

"We can't go on like this." Ye Tao shouted, and now he can only shout like that.

Oloy stood quietly in front of him and stopped him.

"you know what kind of person I am, and people like me don't deserve your help." Ye Tao has a deep sense of powerlessness.

But he knew very well that the target was himself.

"there are sixty-three people." On the other side of the phone, the voice, which had no feelings, was also a little discouraged.

The numbers are increasing, and Ye Tao's heart is trembling and dripping blood.

"have you heard that more than sixty people have been lost, and you know what these more than sixty people mean to your group? we really can't afford it." Ye Tao hissed and exhausted.

More than sixty people, ah, it was the bloody man who spent too much money to stop the enemy.

Even so, Oloy was calm and calm.

"I think it's worth it." Oloy suddenly opened his mouth, speaking calmly and quietly looking at Ye Tao.

Ye Tao's heart trembled violently, and his mood was indescribable at this moment.

"77 people." There was another report from the phone that Ye Tao could not help but push Oloi away and rushed out.

At this moment the night is deep outside the clubhouse is very quiet, a silent needle can be **elled.

Ye Tao walked back, and in the park behind the clubhouse, there were dozens of people lying in a strong physique, but now they were lying on the ground dying, and four or five people were fighting desperately on the bridge in front of Ye Tao.

And with them, is a long white hair dressed in black, more than 1.8 meters looks like a thin figure of the guy.

Seeing that man, Ye Tao resisted his fear and walked forward step by step.

In the middle of his walk, the man had settled all the others, humming and whining on the ground.

At the same time, he also noticed Ye Tao walking towards him.

Twenty or thirty meters apart, Ye Tao was still slowly approaching, looking at Ye Tao's white-haired man, who was getting closer and closer to himself.

"you're finally out." The white-haired man, in his thirties, stood on the bridge with his hands negative and looked at Ye Tao.

Around him, there were more than eighty wounded.

You know, these are the people in the security business of Oloy's co**etics company, and everyone is very good at it.

Even so, it is still easily cleaned up by white-haired men.

Enough to show that the white-haired man in front of him is not easy.

"when I heard that you were a curly tortoise, as soon as I saw you today, that was the case." The white-haired man looked at Ye Tao, who was getting closer and closer to himself, **iling and joking.

Somehow, Ye Tao was in an extremely calm mood at this time.

"I'm here. You can do it. I'm easier to deal with than they are." Ye Tao said in a cold voice.

From the moment he came out, Ye Tao knew his ending.

The white-haired man in front of him is of extraordinary strength. Ye Tao does not know his background, but Huang Ming is estimated not to have such a powerful role under his hand.

That is to say, money can make ghosts grind.

"you should know that you can't afford what you do." The white-haired man said with a **ile.

Ye Tao, however, a mediocre doctor, dared to do it to Mr. and Mrs. Huang Ming.

The most hateful thing is that the incident also spread online, so that their husband and wife disgraced.

This face makes Huang Ming and his wife lose too much, and the consequences are not what Ye Tao can afford.

"Why can't I afford it so they can afford it? Is it because they are supported by the capital power behind the stars? " Ye Tao asked.

Ye Tao does not agree with this.

They are all people, Ye Tao can still stand on the heel of reason, but other people are more powerful than themselves.

That's why they can do whatever they want.

"it's none of my business. I'm just taking the money." The white-haired man raised his feet slowly as he spoke, and then his heel fell to the ground.


At this time, Ye Tao, who was more than ten meters apart from him, immediately flew out and hit the ground hard.

The severe pain made Ye Tao feel bad all over and had to bite his teeth.

Ye Tao can be sure that this white-haired man is definitely a master of energy, otherwise he will never be able to kill one person in ten steps.

Now it seems that more than 80 people are lucky to survive, and Ye Tao, who is sore all over, struggled to get up and bite his teeth from the ground.

Chapter 217: locationChapter 229: strategyChapter 292: joyfulChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 366: weed outChapter 260: fundChapter 177: unhappyChapter 124: changeChapter 222: comebackChapter 20: foregatherChapter 105: referralChapter 148: ventureChapter 85: rumorChapter 36: helpChapter 128: apologyChapter 101: powerChapter 354: statusChapter 340: inquiryChapter 175: effectChapter 141: do a favourChapter 109: projectChapter 199: appallChapter 218: accidentsChapter 193: fearChapter 36: helpChapter 231: apologyChapter 255: worryChapter 414: vigilanceChapter 402: ruseChapter 188: concealChapter 333: orderChapter 211: weepChapter 159: insolentChapter 422: combatChapter 189: argueChapter 356: orderChapter 211: weepChapter 61:have a talkChapter 351: roilChapter 36: helpChapter 321: feel illChapter 246: coercionChapter 27:acneChapter 305: arrogantChapter 43:pleadingChapter 299: be afraidChapter 90: destroyChapter 329: reportChapter 171: excitedChapter 85: rumorChapter 27:acneChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 369: strategyChapter 287: mightyChapter 154: forgiveChapter 53: stop itChapter 340: inquiryChapter 378: To confirmChapter 409: cavesChapter 248: surmiseChapter 170: pityChapter 234: doubtChapter 71: a good heartChapter 270: matchChapter 199: appallChapter 403: controlChapter 179: profitChapter 117: shockChapter 353: decideChapter 273: priceChapter 46: miracleChapter 128: apologyChapter 62: resolveChapter 411: functionChapter 57:miserableChapter 249: sneerChapter 49: fameChapter 317: factChapter 344: tabooChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 310: braveChapter13:SuccessChapter 17: leaveChapter 101: powerChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 356: orderChapter 31:meansChapter 147: toxicantChapter 267: luckChapter 379: appallChapter 120: guestChapter 81:strifeChapter 121:furyChapter 324: angerChapter 198: geniusChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 318: regretChapter 377: arrayingChapter 324: angerChapter 8: Restoration
Chapter 217: locationChapter 229: strategyChapter 292: joyfulChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 366: weed outChapter 260: fundChapter 177: unhappyChapter 124: changeChapter 222: comebackChapter 20: foregatherChapter 105: referralChapter 148: ventureChapter 85: rumorChapter 36: helpChapter 128: apologyChapter 101: powerChapter 354: statusChapter 340: inquiryChapter 175: effectChapter 141: do a favourChapter 109: projectChapter 199: appallChapter 218: accidentsChapter 193: fearChapter 36: helpChapter 231: apologyChapter 255: worryChapter 414: vigilanceChapter 402: ruseChapter 188: concealChapter 333: orderChapter 211: weepChapter 159: insolentChapter 422: combatChapter 189: argueChapter 356: orderChapter 211: weepChapter 61:have a talkChapter 351: roilChapter 36: helpChapter 321: feel illChapter 246: coercionChapter 27:acneChapter 305: arrogantChapter 43:pleadingChapter 299: be afraidChapter 90: destroyChapter 329: reportChapter 171: excitedChapter 85: rumorChapter 27:acneChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 369: strategyChapter 287: mightyChapter 154: forgiveChapter 53: stop itChapter 340: inquiryChapter 378: To confirmChapter 409: cavesChapter 248: surmiseChapter 170: pityChapter 234: doubtChapter 71: a good heartChapter 270: matchChapter 199: appallChapter 403: controlChapter 179: profitChapter 117: shockChapter 353: decideChapter 273: priceChapter 46: miracleChapter 128: apologyChapter 62: resolveChapter 411: functionChapter 57:miserableChapter 249: sneerChapter 49: fameChapter 317: factChapter 344: tabooChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 310: braveChapter13:SuccessChapter 17: leaveChapter 101: powerChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 356: orderChapter 31:meansChapter 147: toxicantChapter 267: luckChapter 379: appallChapter 120: guestChapter 81:strifeChapter 121:furyChapter 324: angerChapter 198: geniusChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 318: regretChapter 377: arrayingChapter 324: angerChapter 8: Restoration