Chapter 124: change

Ye Tao, holding the anger in his heart, finished filming these evidence with his mobile phone and walked out of the secret road. He wanted to find Xiao Tengfei to settle accounts without taking a few steps. Ye Tao's experience these days told Ye Tao to calm down.

Ye Tao, who arranges his mood, plans to go to the company to have a look. Ye Tao, who has not been working for two days, worries that Chen Ping will not be able to handle such a complex and tedious task.

When I got to the company, I saw Ye Tao, the production manager, coming. I was just about to inform Oloy that the receptionist had been stopped by Ye Tao.

Ye Tao went to the office in this way. As soon as he got to the door, Ye Tao saw Chen Ping running around in the office and the manager's office from the outside. Ye Tao felt a lot relieved when he saw this scene, but there was a trace of guilt.

Chen Ping worked so hard for him that he and his own work belonged to him and did not say that, on the contrary, Ye Tao had also been in charge of his hand in the past few days.

At the thought of this, Ye Tao said anything to give his brother a share of the welfare he deserved, Ye Tao went directly to the Oloi office.

Ye Tao banged on the door twice and heard the reply of Oloy coming in and went in.

Oloy was also busy, not even looking at Ye Tao, and said, "just put any information here."

Ye Tao did not speak or go. Oloy looked at it for a long time and did not respond. As soon as he looked up at Ye Tao, he asked:

"I thought you asked for leave today. I can't believe you have time to come to me today. don't you see me busy? just say something."

As soon as Ye Tao saw that Oloy was busy with his work and surprisingly did not talk about this or that, he said his request to give Chen Ping a reward.

Oloy could not help but turn his eyes over Ye Tao and let Ye Tao deal with it. As soon as Ye Tao heard this, he giggled and said goodbye to Oloy, and closed the door and went to the Ministry of Finance.

Ye Tao, who got the reward, pushed open the door of the production department and went in. as soon as the manager came, they greeted Ye Tao and were busy with other work.

Ye Tao motioned to Chen Ping, who was busy with other things, and Chen Ping, full of question marks, looked at Ye Tao in a mysterious way, thinking that Ye Tao had something to do with him.

As a result, Chen Ping was very excited when Ye Tao took out a stack of thick hundred yuan bills and told Chen Ping that this was your reward.

When the production department saw that Chen Ping had won the 50,000 prize, Ye Tao said to others:

"Chen Ping's efforts these days are obvious to all, and the rest of you will have this reward if you work hard enough."

With the reward promised by Ye Tao, and the example in front of Chen Ping, the people were even more motivated and buried in their work.

As time passed quickly, Ye Tao and Chen Ping were busy and got off work. Others said goodbye to Ye Tao.

шшш ▪ttκǎ n ▪¢Ο Ye Tao and Chen Ping packed up the papers slowly. Ye Tao said to Chen Ping:

"you deserve the money, but remember not to work hard. Don't buy lottery tickets. There's no free lunch in the world."

Chen Ping nodded, touched the back of his head, **iled humbly and said:

"Brother Tao, you can let go of a hundred hearts. I will change my evil this time. Hey, hey, hey. You see, I got this reward here. Let's go, brother Tao. I'll ask you to roll up a string. "

Ye Tao looked at Chen Ping's recent performance. He was also relieved to talk and laugh with Chen Ping and went out.

As soon as he got outside, Oloy's familiar pink came from the company's garage. Chen Ping immediately said hello to Oloi as soon as he saw it.

Oloi also saw them want to get out of the window, Chen Ping immediately told Oloi that they were going to eat barbecue, Ye Tao did not stop Chen Ping said.

Ye Tao looked at the bloody picture of Oloi in the morning, and Ye Tao was ill and personally visited and did not say that he had not arrived at the company these two days and had not done anything yet. I did not know how to say it to Oloi.

At the time of Ye Tao's entanglement, Chen Ping, cheeky and cheeky, had already boarded Oloy's BMW and greeted Ye Tao and hurried in.

Ye Tao got into the car, and Oloy saw Ye Tao's abnormal appearance. Ye Tao, who had always been cheeky in Oloy's heart, actually put on the appearance of her little daughter's wriggling and timid appearance and laughed loudly.

As soon as Ye Tao saw that Oloy was laughing at himself, he just let go and got into the car.

As soon as the three arrived at the barbecue shop, they attracted the attention of everyone. Not to mention the luxury car, the beautiful woman of Oloy was usually rare, not to mention the old men with their mouths full of mouths.

Ye Tao and Oloy also talk and laugh, but also become the preferred target of jealousy.

Just as everyone was drinking beer and blowing the cow, the barbecue owner's cooking table was kicked over with a click.

At this time, a group of local ruffian hooligans led by Huang Mao Tsai came over and kicked the boss who was ready to pick up the ingredients to the ground.

The people sitting here are angry, the boss is kind, sometimes less money, the boss does not complain about anything, or entertain customers, everyone who came here has more or less been taken care of by the boss.

As soon as I saw that the boss, who usually took care of everyone, was beaten, the temper was all angry, and I was ready to pick up things and fight.

Suddenly the hooligans took out their sticks directly, and even a few took out their daggers. The Huang Mao, the leader, also shouted:

"which one of you dares to die today in the presence of a hero who is brave enough to do what you do?"

At this moment, everyone dare not move, after all, are in their thirties to start a family, there are still a room full of people to raise.

Just as Huang Mao was bullying his boss, Ye Tao shouted angrily:

"which of you dares to touch the boss's finger and try it?"

Looking at Ye Tao's willingness to stand out in front of the bird, Huang Mao **iled and said:

"Hey, guys, there's someone here who wants to be a hero. Is it not enough to dream of a hero when you were a kid?"

Others echoed the ridicule at Ye Tao, but just as they laughed at Ye Tao, Ye Tao grabbed a wooden stick and headed for Huang Mao.

The stick was impartially tied to the joint of the right arm of the yellow hair, and if there was an x-ray, the stick was just three centimeters deep.

Huang Mao screamed, as soon as the boss was injured, the others rushed up, and Chen Ping, who was not in the right position, picked up the bench and was about to hit it.

At this close call, Chen long suddenly rushed to the hooligans. As soon as he saw Chen long coming, he dropped his weapons and ran.

It turned out that Chen long could not directly transform them for a while. Chen long racked his brains and finally suggested that everyone should protect their neighbors in one breath. Although they could not earn money, they could at least rub their food and drink every day and improve their reputation.

Chen long also has a little savings these years, but also can pay wages, so Chen long and his younger brothers scattered the streets, see what is wrong to help.

At first, everyone saw that they were like plague gods, shunning them, and then changed their impression of Chen long bit by bit.

As soon as Ye Tao saw that it was Chen long, he immediately called over. Chen long saw Ye Tao here and immediately ran over his ass.

"Big Brother, how am I doing? it's not the way for me to go on for a long time."

Ye Tao thought about it. Although Chen long had no culture, they were still a bit good at mixing for many years, and Oloy they had to expand their production in a warehouse, and if they had a warehouse, they had to be secure.

As a result, he told Oloi how to let Chen long be a security guard. Oloi said yes to what Chen Longgang had just done when he saw that Ye Tao had recommended it.

After that, Ye Tao motioned to Chen long to command his men. Chen long listened to it and said it quickly.

Just when Chen long said goodbye to her sister-in-law, he saw Ye Tao's eyes and silently closed his mouth ready to open her mouth.

On the way back, Chen long was still thinking that his brother Tao was liked by girls. There were three of them, and he was also wondering when he could become brother Tao.

Seeing that the trouble had been dealt with, the others began to sit down and eat.

Chapter 395: toxicantChapter 276: chaosChapter 398: water holeChapter 318: regretChapter 333: orderChapter 315: convulseChapter 209: cureChapter 69:colleagueChapter 61:have a talkChapter 384: betrayChapter 69:colleagueChapter 112: testsChapter 315: convulseChapter 339: situationChapter 58: puzzledChapter 127: troopsChapter13:SuccessChapter 276: chaosChapter 248: surmiseChapter 33:fearChapter 266: cronyChapter 176: jokesChapter 198: geniusChapter 207: insistChapter 212: accidentChapter 144: awaitChapter 147: toxicantChapter 185: healingChapter 200: situationChapter 350: evidenceChapter13:SuccessChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 297: fiascoChapter 76: have supperChapter 398: water holeChapter 260: fundChapter 31:meansChapter 273: priceChapter 78: enemyChapter 112: testsChapter 403: controlChapter 381: teaseChapter 410: terrorChapter 304: congratsChapter 239: secretChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 42:separateChapter 230: meetChapter 18: big peopleChapter 374: controlChapter 116: order formChapter 236: threatsChapter 240: powerfulChapter 203: cautionChapter 160: The battleChapter 278: stealChapter 281: moveChapter 108: phone callChapter 347: mildnessChapter 394: contemptChapter 365: abuseChapter 353: decideChapter 162: lessonChapter 130:newsChapter 125: contestChapter4:ScoldingChapter 104: celebrateChapter 340: inquiryChapter 127: troopsChapter 213: sound outChapter 108: phone callChapter 276: chaosChapter 263: companyChapter 55:honorChapter 347: mildnessChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 400: variationChapter 328: gloryChapter 217: locationChapter 203: cautionChapter 276: chaosChapter 294: be fooledChapter 81:strifeChapter 381: teaseChapter 86: attendChapter 272: privacyChapter 43:pleadingChapter 33:fearChapter 381: teaseChapter 340: inquiryChapter 29: commitmentChapter 284: requestChapter 49: fameChapter 257: angerChapter 305: arrogantChapter 213: sound outChapter 241: fightersChapter 150: chitchatChapter 155: go to City AChapter10:Conspiracy
Chapter 395: toxicantChapter 276: chaosChapter 398: water holeChapter 318: regretChapter 333: orderChapter 315: convulseChapter 209: cureChapter 69:colleagueChapter 61:have a talkChapter 384: betrayChapter 69:colleagueChapter 112: testsChapter 315: convulseChapter 339: situationChapter 58: puzzledChapter 127: troopsChapter13:SuccessChapter 276: chaosChapter 248: surmiseChapter 33:fearChapter 266: cronyChapter 176: jokesChapter 198: geniusChapter 207: insistChapter 212: accidentChapter 144: awaitChapter 147: toxicantChapter 185: healingChapter 200: situationChapter 350: evidenceChapter13:SuccessChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 297: fiascoChapter 76: have supperChapter 398: water holeChapter 260: fundChapter 31:meansChapter 273: priceChapter 78: enemyChapter 112: testsChapter 403: controlChapter 381: teaseChapter 410: terrorChapter 304: congratsChapter 239: secretChapter 106: gratitudeChapter 42:separateChapter 230: meetChapter 18: big peopleChapter 374: controlChapter 116: order formChapter 236: threatsChapter 240: powerfulChapter 203: cautionChapter 160: The battleChapter 278: stealChapter 281: moveChapter 108: phone callChapter 347: mildnessChapter 394: contemptChapter 365: abuseChapter 353: decideChapter 162: lessonChapter 130:newsChapter 125: contestChapter4:ScoldingChapter 104: celebrateChapter 340: inquiryChapter 127: troopsChapter 213: sound outChapter 108: phone callChapter 276: chaosChapter 263: companyChapter 55:honorChapter 347: mildnessChapter 408: To forgiveChapter 400: variationChapter 328: gloryChapter 217: locationChapter 203: cautionChapter 276: chaosChapter 294: be fooledChapter 81:strifeChapter 381: teaseChapter 86: attendChapter 272: privacyChapter 43:pleadingChapter 33:fearChapter 381: teaseChapter 340: inquiryChapter 29: commitmentChapter 284: requestChapter 49: fameChapter 257: angerChapter 305: arrogantChapter 213: sound outChapter 241: fightersChapter 150: chitchatChapter 155: go to City AChapter10:Conspiracy