Chapter 375: hypnosis

She took out the cotton inside, gently shook in front of Shangguanlei, Shangguanlei's eyes immediately followed.

"Shangguanlei? Are you Shangguanlei right? Don't be afraid, it's all right now. "

The strange, intermittent sound of the bell does not sound very comfortable, and according to Ye Tao's previous inference, the sound should not have much exciting effect on Shangguanlei, but how can this bell in Su Yao play the same effect as the flute sound of the person behind him?

Ye Tao squinted his eyes and saw Su Yao lead Shangguanlei to the side step by step. She turned her hand and pulled out the silver needle added to her fingertips.

"Ye Tao, help me control Guan Lei!"

At a moment when Ye Tao heard that sentence, Su Yao's silver needles were brushed towards each other. Although the monster had thick skin and meat, Su Yao's techniques were also exquisite, and the silver needle pierced the skin and pierced several of his major acupoints.?

The stimulated monster roared up from the sky and took Ye Tao, who was going to destroy everything, and immediately rushed forward and pressed his limbs to the ground. The monster was so strong that everyone had seen it, and he could casually mention an *****.

However, now Ye Tao does not bother to blow, unexpectedly has put this strange thing to death, it can be seen that Ye Tao with the monster is also as powerful, the only person who survived shivered behind.

Ye Tao looked at Su Yao holding the **all bell, turning round and round in front of the monster, perhaps the role of Yingzheng, but also began to play a slow effect, the monster gradually calmed down, not as fierce as the struggle before.

Ye Tao did not use his strength to suppress him, and even began to help Su Yao pierce silver needles into various acupoints.

Two people do things more efficiently than one person, only for a while, the green skin monster's head has been covered with bright silver needles, Su Yao's hands of the bell quickly shook up, just like the sound of the flute before, the monster face full of struggle and pain, but has not opened their eyes.?

A long time later, the monster twitched up and down his mouth and spit out a few bugs. The bugs were black and burr. Su Yao didn't even want to look at it. He raised his foot and stepped on it, so that the bugs had turned into meat mud.

"is this a trick?"

Originally thought his movement is fast enough, but no matter how fast can not be faster than Ye Tao, Ye Tao saw Su Yao subconsciously hide the little bell behind her.

"I... I don't know. I just heard from my family. "

In the face of Su Yao's hesitant attitude, Ye Tao was not willing to pursue more, but carefully observed the Shangguanlei on the ground.

Even if the demagoguery out of the body of Shangguanlei, it seems that Shangguanlei's appearance has not changed much, he is still that ugly appearance.

Ye Tao put away all the silver needles in order, and there was no record of demagoguery in the inheritance of the drug king's treasure book and the Shennong treasure book. It seemed that if you wanted to understand the demagoguery thing, you might have to go on and on.

"if you kill him, why don't you kill him?!"

I believe that the man who survived was red eyes and gasped for breath. Just as he was afraid of death, he ran all the way. Now, when he saw the monster lying unconscious on the ground, the anger in his heart finally poured up like a fire.

It was this fucking monster that killed so many of his companions! He's not enough to die!

"are you sure? He may be your friend, too. "

"how is that possible? he's a monster!"

The man had long been knocked out of his head by anger, and now he would probably not listen to anything he said, and went on with him.

However, this period of time Guan Lei almost should wake up, Shangguan Lei wake up after the right world is only a little better than hell, the iniquity committed by Shangguan Lei, the rest of his life will bear on him, become a great burden.

Of course, the premise is that Shangguanlei himself still wants to live.


Shangguanlei gradually woke up, he felt exhausted all over, mouth still exudes a bad **ell, it is those people who caused him to eat so many messy herbs, if there is a chance to Guan Lei will teach them a good lesson!

Shangguanlei thought of these unrealistic things, slowly opened his eyes, the sun has risen to the top of his head, he felt that the sun is very dazzling, raised his hand to rub dry eyes into the eyes, but with scales on the claws on Guan Lei suddenly screamed.

"Ah! What's this? My hand! My hand! "

When the monster began to spit and look at the way he was dressed at the moment, what else did he not understand? The man who vowed to kill the monster, the dagger in his hand slammed to the ground, his eyes dry enough to shed tears, he can blame who, he can not blame anyone.

"Hello! What did you do to me? Why have I become what I am now? "

Shangguanlei collapsed shouting, but failed to get a trace of response from these people around him.

"Oh, oh, oh, hey, hey. Ha ha... "

The man **iled strangely and pointed the dagger at his heart.

"Hello! Yang. "

The name is still stuck in the mouth of the throat, the blood flowers in front of them have bloomed, Shangguanlei only felt that his eyes were red, familiar with the **ell of blood, but let his memory vaguely pieced together.

No! It's impossible...

Before Shangguanlei could collapse, he was the first to fall into darkness in front of his eyes. Su Yao gasped for breath and could not bear to look directly on her face, but the silver needle on her hand fell without any deviation.


I don't know who I'm talking to.

When Shangguanlei woke up again, he found himself lying on the haystack. Shangguanlei raised his hand again for the purpose of ugly paws. He finally knew that his previous vague dream was not a dream but a reality. He really killed his companion, cut their bitten skin and sucked their blood. All of this was really done by him!

The upper official turned to his side to work hard and huddled himself into a ball.

How did this happen? How did this happen?

But no matter what Guan Lei thinks, he can't come up with a reason to come up with it.

Ye Tao came in to see such a scene, the monster yellow-green eyes continue to flow out of sticky liquid, its claws can not be brought together, there is no way to wipe away tears, can only his face around the skin scratched skin blooming scales flying around.

"if you think about it, come out and eat, and I'll leave you the dagger if I want to die."

Ye Tao took out a dagger from his arms and put it next to Shangguanlei. He turned around and went out without giving Shangguanlei any thoughts.

Ye Tao sat down by the bonfire. After a while, Shangguanlei dragged his heavy body and came out of the cave.

"only steamed bread, no human flesh, can eat."

Chapter 30: menacingChapter 391: banquetChapter 362: jealousChapter 147: toxicantChapter 153: storyChapter 245:meetChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 185: healingChapter 308: rampantChapter 57:miserableChapter 42:separateChapter 262: fearfulChapter 317: factChapter 33:fearChapter 166: shockChapter 202: suffererChapter 255: worryChapter 261:meaningChapter 128: apologyChapter 418: battleChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 397: prisonChapter 310: braveChapter 264: statusChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 118: welcomeChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 127: troopsChapter 16: reckonChapter 164: meaningChapter 229: strategyChapter 336: majestyChapter 300: concealChapter 50: fleerChapter 265: hearingChapter 172: treatChapter 78: enemyChapter 309: purposeChapter 340: inquiryChapter 225: adviseChapter 282: warningChapter 221: refuseChapter 394: contemptChapter 124: changeChapter 105: referralChapter 32: longgeChapter 49: fameChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 190: founderChapter 239: secretChapter 44: Money fattyChapter 89: meetChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 73:employeeChapter 8: RestorationChapter 28: awakenChapter 321: feel illChapter 55:honorChapter 352: trickChapter 248: surmiseChapter 16: reckonChapter 59: debtChapter 20: foregatherChapter 388: promoteChapter 77: amazingChapter 56: bad newsChapter 185: healingChapter 301: startleChapter 123: discoveryChapter 143: wagerChapter 174: disputeChapter 35: conditionsChapter 185: healingChapter 201: victimsChapter 95:kneel downChapter 139: farceChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 116: order formChapter 84:setoutChapter 166: shockChapter 327: donationChapter 369: strategyChapter 165: tactChapter 54: donationChapter 193: fearChapter 159: insolentChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 416: trialChapter 103: file a suitChapter 58: puzzledChapter 404: join handsChapter 226: reliqueChapter 276: chaosChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 342: secretChapter 134: cozeChapter 312: clashChapter 300: concealChapter 281: move
Chapter 30: menacingChapter 391: banquetChapter 362: jealousChapter 147: toxicantChapter 153: storyChapter 245:meetChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 22: new arrivalChapter 185: healingChapter 308: rampantChapter 57:miserableChapter 42:separateChapter 262: fearfulChapter 317: factChapter 33:fearChapter 166: shockChapter 202: suffererChapter 255: worryChapter 261:meaningChapter 128: apologyChapter 418: battleChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 397: prisonChapter 310: braveChapter 264: statusChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 118: welcomeChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 127: troopsChapter 16: reckonChapter 164: meaningChapter 229: strategyChapter 336: majestyChapter 300: concealChapter 50: fleerChapter 265: hearingChapter 172: treatChapter 78: enemyChapter 309: purposeChapter 340: inquiryChapter 225: adviseChapter 282: warningChapter 221: refuseChapter 394: contemptChapter 124: changeChapter 105: referralChapter 32: longgeChapter 49: fameChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 190: founderChapter 239: secretChapter 44: Money fattyChapter 89: meetChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 73:employeeChapter 8: RestorationChapter 28: awakenChapter 321: feel illChapter 55:honorChapter 352: trickChapter 248: surmiseChapter 16: reckonChapter 59: debtChapter 20: foregatherChapter 388: promoteChapter 77: amazingChapter 56: bad newsChapter 185: healingChapter 301: startleChapter 123: discoveryChapter 143: wagerChapter 174: disputeChapter 35: conditionsChapter 185: healingChapter 201: victimsChapter 95:kneel downChapter 139: farceChapter10:ConspiracyChapter 116: order formChapter 84:setoutChapter 166: shockChapter 327: donationChapter 369: strategyChapter 165: tactChapter 54: donationChapter 193: fearChapter 159: insolentChapter 399: hypocrisyChapter 416: trialChapter 103: file a suitChapter 58: puzzledChapter 404: join handsChapter 226: reliqueChapter 276: chaosChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 342: secretChapter 134: cozeChapter 312: clashChapter 300: concealChapter 281: move