Chapter 241: fighters

In general, this method is the most suitable for class students!

As long as it is in a new environment, it must be targeted by some people who like to make trouble!

These people want to give the new ones some bad luck!

Obviously, Oujingtian is such a newcomer!

And the best way, is to take the soft persimmon hard pinch, so as to the surrounding people shock and awe effect is the best!

Zhong Shan wanted to come and think about going, but he could not help nodding to Oujingtian.

But Ye Tao's words came out coldly again.

"I want you to say the next thing!"


Oujingtian shrank his neck with fright, and Zhong Shan also immediately became interested.

"how's it going in the back? Didn't those guys hit you together? "

"they dare, I am the Eurasian of the European family!"

Oujingtian immediately put on a very cool look of blowing up the sky.

But it was only a moment when it softened.

Then he muttered and began.

"I don't know which bastard I said, all of what I said came down from the Internet, and even played it on the big screen of the indoor basketball court!"

"at that time, a group of guys jumped out and said they wanted to challenge me martial arts!"

"I know these guys want to see me make a fool of myself, and they know my martial arts are not very good, so they want to pinch my soft persimmon, so they can make them famous!"

The more you say, the more angry you are, and the more you say it is, the more you have no strength!

Zhong Shan nodded with a **ile.

Yes, these are the exquisite plans arranged by Ye Tao. These pressures from among the students can also promote the strengthening of Oujingtian!

Those guys just challenge Oujingtian, and defeating it is bound to make people more famous.

But there must be very few of these guys who don't know what to do.

So, this is one of the driving forces that can really put pressure on Eurasia and make it stronger!

If you can keep fighting with these people, constantly stealing some combat experience from these people, so that the strength of Euronggen can definitely be improved quickly!

"isn't that a good thing? You... "

Speaking of which, Zhong Shan suddenly widened his eyes.

"you're not a pussy and you're afraid to accept the challenge of these people, are you?"

As soon as Oujingtian looked at Zhong Shan, he knew that Zhong Shan was definitely on the brink of anger. If he could not say a good word at this time, he would definitely be beaten up by Zhong Shan!

Therefore, Oujingtian almost dropped the voice of Zhong Shan at the same time shouted.

"of course not! I. Why am I such a pussy? "

"whose challenge did you accept and what was the strength of the other party?"

Zhong Shan was looking forward to asking.

However, Oujingtian now revealed a green bitter gourd face.

It seemed a little difficult to say, which put up your three fingers.

Zhong Shan immediately widened his eyes when he saw it.

"three? You accepted the challenge of three people? That's good. I still have a little courage! "

Seeing Oujingtian is finally not so weak, Zhong Shan is also not stingy their own praise.

However, Oujingtian heard a **ile that was uglier than crying.

"three hundred people! Today alone, I have taken on the challenge of three hundred people, including the heavenly martial arts. "

At the end of the day, Oujingtian was just about to cry and wriggled his wrist.

"all I have to do is sign those challenge books and break my wrist!"

Zhong Shan is also surprised in an instant, can not believe to look at the European scenery!

"shit, three hundred people? You. Can you call me? Did you eat bear heart leopard courage? "

At this point, Zhong Shan finally knew that Oujingtian did not have the courage, but pretended to be in public!

However, this pretending to be a little too tough, it is bragging ah!

And it's all blown to the sky!

Ye Tao said coldly, "it's probably the first time he's enjoyed so many girls cheering for him, so he doesn't know anything when his head is hot!"

Oujingtian immediately stared at Ye Tao in surprise.

Stammered, "well, you know everything about this?"

Then Oujingtian touched his hair as if to find something from it.

"did you use something to peek into the idea in my head?"

Ye Tao gave Eurasian a look.

"that's all you've got!"

After that, Ye Tao turned his head and left, paying no attention to the meaning of Oujingtian!

"Oh, cousin, are you leaving?"

But Oujingtian panicked, Ye Tao just left, without his shelter, he was not going to be killed by Zhong Shan?

"No? Are you going to invite me to stay and see you get beat up? "

Ye Tao turned his head with a bad **ile and looked at Eurasian!

Oujingtian immediately trembled all over, and then looked at Zhong Shan in horror.

See Zhong Shan nostrils dilate, the whole body muscle begins to shake.

"Ah! Chimpanzees are crazy... "

A mournful screams resounded throughout the old house of Europe!

Yan Huazhen and his son in the front yard heard such a cry, but the whole body trembled!

"Dad, did you hear that?"

Yan Hua really turned his head nervously and asked his father.

Yan Qi, the owner of the Yan family, also swallowed a hard mouthful of saliva: "I heard it, but I didn't expect it. This European family is really amazing. I actually raised chimpanzees!"

Yan Huazhen nodded heavily: "well, it must be a very powerful wild beast!"

"you're so good! I can't believe I have to hit three hundred people! I'd like to see who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru? "

The low roar of Zhong Shan kept making out, and the whiplash in his hand was a frenzy at Oujingtian.

Oujingtian covered his ass and ran madly.

The picture of the two men chasing after each other was hilarious.

It's like...

A chimpanzee is chasing a little monkey who jumps up and down like a skinny little monkey.

Soon, Oujingtian still succumbed under the lewd power of Zhongshan.

Get on the ground and yell!

"it's no use hitting me now. I have at least 20 Challenger to come to me tomorrow. I've arranged it all. It's all some mysterious martial arts. If I lose, you master will have no face!"

Zhong Shan heard this sentence, which is a little calm.

"well, you boy is still a bit of a brain, did not come up to arrange their own prefectural martial arts!"

"Twenty mysterious martial arts, you can handle it! That's the end of today's training. You go back to form and fight tomorrow! "

Zhong Shan is very clear about what is the combination of work and rest, and does not want to train Oujingtian too hard today, so that the European scenery will be defeated tomorrow!

However, Oujingtian is bitter gourd with a face muttering.

"however, the day after tomorrow, there will certainly be the emergence of martial arts at the prefectural level!"

A meal at the foot of Zhong Shan, once again turned into a gorilla face, staring dead at the European view of the sky!

"you idiot! Wouldn't it be possible to arrange the metaphysical martial arts in front of them, ah, and it would be fine to call fifty a day? "

"if you can't arrange it, there are only fifty mysterious martial arts, and these guys also think of me as a soft persimmon!"

Oujingtian is really crying this time!

"Wow, do you have that kind of dane medicine in martial arts novels? What kind of stick big return Dan, as soon as take a Dan medicine to be able to add a nail of power suddenly! "

Oujingtian dreamed of having something like this.

When Zhong Shan heard this sentence, he immediately turned his eyes red!

"Big return Dan, big sister ah!"

"I don't have a sister."

Oujingtian is still playing cheap.

Chapter 280: crisesChapter 419: harvestChapter 179: profitChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 11: FailureChapter 384: betrayChapter 18: big peopleChapter 177: unhappyChapter 238: explainChapter 63: objectiveChapter 422: combatChapter 18: big peopleChapter 160: The battleChapter 222: comebackChapter 147: toxicantChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 324: angerChapter 327: donationChapter 262: fearfulChapter 53: stop itChapter 268: seetheChapter2:CrashChapter 90: destroyChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 242: hot airChapter 417: intactChapter 379: appallChapter 285: abilityChapter 35: conditionsChapter 292: joyfulChapter 407: priceChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 103: file a suitChapter 306: hostilityChapter 411: functionChapter 407: priceChapter 33:fearChapter 144: awaitChapter 311: welcomeChapter 193: fearChapter 200: situationChapter 385: shortcutChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 95:kneel downChapter 382: chaosChapter 11: FailureChapter 309: purposeChapter 48:decisionChapter 296: pantChapter 236: threatsChapter 205: businessChapter 217: locationChapter 181: gainChapter 103: file a suitChapter 72: good luckChapter 234: doubtChapter 409: cavesChapter 94: despicableChapter 108: phone callChapter 192: obstructChapter 280: crisesChapter 35: conditionsChapter 353: decideChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 73:employeeChapter 38: angerChapter 309: purposeChapter 228: sleeplessChapter 95:kneel downChapter 271: rapidChapter 315: convulseChapter 241: fightersChapter12:TurningChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 126: old friendChapter 252: molestChapter 330: secretChapter 220: gnosisChapter 409: cavesChapter 43:pleadingChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 48:decisionChapter 267: luckChapter 397: prisonChapter 358: planChapter 214: Bad railChapter 78: enemyChapter 117: shockChapter 139: farceChapter 126: old friendChapter 171: excitedChapter 402: ruseChapter 199: appallChapter 87: intendChapter 110: suppliersChapter 191: bullyChapter 243:friendChapter 134: cozeChapter 153: story
Chapter 280: crisesChapter 419: harvestChapter 179: profitChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 11: FailureChapter 384: betrayChapter 18: big peopleChapter 177: unhappyChapter 238: explainChapter 63: objectiveChapter 422: combatChapter 18: big peopleChapter 160: The battleChapter 222: comebackChapter 147: toxicantChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 324: angerChapter 327: donationChapter 262: fearfulChapter 53: stop itChapter 268: seetheChapter2:CrashChapter 90: destroyChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 242: hot airChapter 417: intactChapter 379: appallChapter 285: abilityChapter 35: conditionsChapter 292: joyfulChapter 407: priceChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 103: file a suitChapter 306: hostilityChapter 411: functionChapter 407: priceChapter 33:fearChapter 144: awaitChapter 311: welcomeChapter 193: fearChapter 200: situationChapter 385: shortcutChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 95:kneel downChapter 382: chaosChapter 11: FailureChapter 309: purposeChapter 48:decisionChapter 296: pantChapter 236: threatsChapter 205: businessChapter 217: locationChapter 181: gainChapter 103: file a suitChapter 72: good luckChapter 234: doubtChapter 409: cavesChapter 94: despicableChapter 108: phone callChapter 192: obstructChapter 280: crisesChapter 35: conditionsChapter 353: decideChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 73:employeeChapter 38: angerChapter 309: purposeChapter 228: sleeplessChapter 95:kneel downChapter 271: rapidChapter 315: convulseChapter 241: fightersChapter12:TurningChapter 7:A dilemmaChapter 14:Hurry upChapter 126: old friendChapter 252: molestChapter 330: secretChapter 220: gnosisChapter 409: cavesChapter 43:pleadingChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 48:decisionChapter 267: luckChapter 397: prisonChapter 358: planChapter 214: Bad railChapter 78: enemyChapter 117: shockChapter 139: farceChapter 126: old friendChapter 171: excitedChapter 402: ruseChapter 199: appallChapter 87: intendChapter 110: suppliersChapter 191: bullyChapter 243:friendChapter 134: cozeChapter 153: story