Chapter 294: be fooled

This is the time to jump up and down! Ten people went after and besieged again and again, and they couldn't catch the European view at all!

This also makes a group of popular faces red and panting, eyes congested and red!

Obviously, these people are completely crazy now!

As long as it is to seize Oujingtian, it is necessary to devour Oujingtian alive.

"son of a bitch, stop!"

"Boy, don't run if you have the balls!"

"No face, aren't you going to hit ten people? You don't even have the courage to fight me. You fart! "

"stop, stop it all!"

Suddenly, there was a majestic roar in the crowd.

The voice came out, and the crowd who chased and intercepted really calmed down a little.

Then it turned out to be centered on the people who opened their mouths and quickly gathered around them.

Oujingtian was also subconsciously standing on the edge of the farthest ring for these people.

Oujingtian looked a little sweaty on his forehead, but the rhythm of breathing was stable, and he looked at the crowd with a bad **ile on his face.

However, the opposite group of people is everyone gasping for breath, eager to rush over to take two bites at Oujingtian!

This scene, immediately let the noisy audience quiet down.

However, the sound around was only quiet for a moment, and the sound of another burst of discussion fell again and again.

"something's wrong!"

"Yes, has the strength of the boy Oujingtian reached the level of a prefecture-level martial arts man?"

"how is that possible? How can he reach the prefectural martial arts? "

"but why is he so physically fit?"

"that is, you see, those people across the street are extremely physically exhausted!"

"We have to stop at a loss, or else we will continue to do so, and these ten people may be broken one by one by Eurasian!" In the midst of such a debate.

Zhong Shan can not help but stare at the back of the European scenery with his eyes wide and staring at the back of Oujingtian.

"it's hard to say, this boy... Son of a bitch, there's nothing else going on with these dirty little eyes, grab a lot of it! "

"Oh, it was Big Brother Zhong Shan who taught him well, which may be that the soldiers are not tired of deceit."

Clear snow has clearly seen the situation on the court for a long time, all of which are Oujingtian's tactical strategy.

By virtue of their own body fast and good physical strength, it is necessary to exhaust the physical strength of these people and break it one by one!

Unfortunately, some of these ten people are still awake, and now the situation has stabilized and entered a state of confrontation again, which is a bit disadvantageous to Oujingtian.

"soldiers are not tired of deceit?" Zhong Shan flushed with shame on his face.

I have not taught Oujingtian these, these dirty eyes are Oujingtian their own natural.

This kid is a genius in this respect!

"Don't get angry, this boy wants us to chase him around. He's wasting our strength!" he said. "No, no, no."

Just now the person who spoke, again, the voice is low, quite some eldest can follow the spirit.

Of course, most of the people around them were awake and nodded when they heard this sentence.

"everybody listen to me, we spread out, and we surrounded him in the middle and narrowed down his range of activities, so he couldn't get away!" At once again, the people nodded one after another!

Then everyone began to act, the pace of the pace is excellent, the distance is also quite good!

There are already people in the audience clapping their hands, still shouting to let people kill Oujingtian.

And Oujingtian looked at the front of the fan-shaped team continue to approach their own, but also slightly squinted eyes up.

"it seems that we can only use a trick. The boy in the middle is too shrewd. I will kill him first!"

Oujingtian pondered in his heart and immediately took a step forward.

His legs suddenly pressed his fists between his waist and roared: "through the meridians and open the pulse!" On the first floor, open it for me! "


This wave of gas is almost formed from the essence of Eurasian body rushed out!

When people in the audience saw such a gesture, they all paused and looked at Oujingtian in shock.

I can see that the skin of Oujingtian has become slightly red, as if it had been burned by a charcoal fire! Clear snow, beautiful eyes suddenly bright.

"what kind of martial arts secret is this?" Zhong Shan slapped himself on the leg.

"how do you fight the trick this fool taught him now when you use the back?"

At once, Zhong Shan took a deep breath again.

"come on, it's just the first floor. With his current physical fitness, there won't be a problem until he reaches the third floor!"

Qingxue heard some clouds in the fog, but **art people like Qingxue quickly guessed what martial arts secret methods Oujingtian was practicing.

Must be a secret way to stimulate the potential of the body! You can improve your strength in a short period of time!

"indeed, in the face of that person, even if the strength of Oujingtian reached the level of the local martial arts, it is still very reluctant, if the strength surge for a moment, there should be a chance!"

Consciously nodded under the snow, for the first time, he saw a real flash of light on the body of Oujingtian.

This little guy does not know when to start, as if with the word wise, there is some connection!

However, Oujingtian such an action is just to pretend.

He couldn't stand it. He wanted to show his trick and sweep these people out in front of him!

Ten people across the street sensed the change in the state of Eurasia, and several of them paused subconsciously.

And that is such a gap of time, Oujingtian keen grasp, he took a deep breath under the foot of a push!

There was a stuffy sound on the ground, and the next moment of Oujingtian's figure came out like an arrow.

The target is the guy who stabilized the situation and is in the middle C position!

The students in the middle saw Oujingtian coming towards themselves, and the speed was at its extreme.

His eyes were wide and his pupils contracted.

Subconsciously yelled at the whole body: "he wants to break through my place, come and fight together!"

This is not slow to say, but the only person who can react is only two people within three meters of his body!

The two men attacked in the middle in an instant, with one punch and one foot.

Obviously, it is with anger that they want to intercept Eurasian Sky at once, and seriously injure Eurasian Sky at the same time!

However, a short distance of ten meters, when Oujingtian arrived in front of each other four meters, the speed of the figure soared!


The sound of the broken wind, Oujingtian has rushed to the center of the cadets in front of him, his face full of bad **ile staring at each other!

At this moment, it seems that there was a deliberate pause.

The center cadet immediately widened his eyes and subconsciously crossed his hands in his chest because he had seen the fists made by Oujingtian!

The speed of the fist was so fast that even the boxing shadow was completely blurred.

The strength of this punch must not be easy!

But just then, the punches of the two men next to them had already attacked.

At the same time towards the side of the face and neck hit!

It's like the timing is just right.

But Oujingtian's movement is more agile, slightly squatting down!

Bang! bang!

Two stuffy noises were made, and the punches of the two men next to each other were hit on each other at the same time.

"Oh, whew!"

At the same time as two cries of pain came out.

Oujingtian's fist suddenly turned into a claw!

"Monkey steals peaches!"


The center student immediately bent into a mantis shrimp, his eyes wide to the extreme, mouth and nose issued a very aggrieved voice of sharp pain.

And his pants have been torn apart by Eurasian.

With the European view on the palm of the hand!

The man had already somersaulted twice in midair and fell heavily to the ground!

The man covered his lower body with his hands and could no longer stand up.

At this moment, the whole audience was shocked.

All the boys felt a cool breeze pouring in from their pants legs, subconsciously tightening their legs and feet.

And the Eurasian attack has only just begun.

Chapter 307: coercionChapter 418: battleChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 361: hazardChapter 367: hopeChapter 397: prisonChapter 38: angerChapter 227: thoughtChapter 41: comaChapter 213: sound outChapter 402: ruseChapter 365: abuseChapter 311: welcomeChapter 149: fightChapter 253:planChapter 178: consultChapter 161: angerChapter 217: locationChapter 5:AnswersChapter 260: fundChapter 318: regretChapter 383: destroyChapter 161: angerChapter 141: do a favourChapter 292: joyfulChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 214: Bad railChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 348: commerceChapter 192: obstructChapter 266: cronyChapter 170: pityChapter 110: suppliersChapter 152: sceneChapter 207: insistChapter 235: furyChapter 349: revoltChapter 122: ferret outChapter 377: arrayingChapter 336: majestyChapter 251: wagerChapter 411: functionChapter 409: cavesChapter 175: effectChapter 294: be fooledChapter 280: crisesChapter 267: luckChapter 328: gloryChapter 231: apologyChapter 298: HelpChapter 321: feel illChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 78: enemyChapter 328: gloryChapter 16: reckonChapter 53: stop itChapter 109: projectChapter 78: enemyChapter 300: concealChapter 202: suffererChapter 340: inquiryChapter 157: apologyChapter 404: join handsChapter 417: intactChapter 366: weed outChapter 225: adviseChapter 256: trembleChapter 237: shockChapter 285: abilityChapter 210: healChapter 280: crisesChapter 143: wagerChapter 104: celebrateChapter 281: moveChapter 274: intensifyChapter 410: terrorChapter 199: appallChapter 367: hopeChapter 213: sound outChapter 256: trembleChapter 152: sceneChapter 314:accidentChapter 390: meshChapter 25:adventureChapter 410: terrorChapter 93:detectChapter 278: stealChapter 317: factChapter 185: healingChapter 66: prosperityChapter 230: meetChapter 98:be fooledChapter 181: gainChapter 70: no salesChapter 295:performChapter 303: springeChapter 235: furyChapter 45: skillChapter 179: profit
Chapter 307: coercionChapter 418: battleChapter 24:Weird guestChapter 361: hazardChapter 367: hopeChapter 397: prisonChapter 38: angerChapter 227: thoughtChapter 41: comaChapter 213: sound outChapter 402: ruseChapter 365: abuseChapter 311: welcomeChapter 149: fightChapter 253:planChapter 178: consultChapter 161: angerChapter 217: locationChapter 5:AnswersChapter 260: fundChapter 318: regretChapter 383: destroyChapter 161: angerChapter 141: do a favourChapter 292: joyfulChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 214: Bad railChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 348: commerceChapter 192: obstructChapter 266: cronyChapter 170: pityChapter 110: suppliersChapter 152: sceneChapter 207: insistChapter 235: furyChapter 349: revoltChapter 122: ferret outChapter 377: arrayingChapter 336: majestyChapter 251: wagerChapter 411: functionChapter 409: cavesChapter 175: effectChapter 294: be fooledChapter 280: crisesChapter 267: luckChapter 328: gloryChapter 231: apologyChapter 298: HelpChapter 321: feel illChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 78: enemyChapter 328: gloryChapter 16: reckonChapter 53: stop itChapter 109: projectChapter 78: enemyChapter 300: concealChapter 202: suffererChapter 340: inquiryChapter 157: apologyChapter 404: join handsChapter 417: intactChapter 366: weed outChapter 225: adviseChapter 256: trembleChapter 237: shockChapter 285: abilityChapter 210: healChapter 280: crisesChapter 143: wagerChapter 104: celebrateChapter 281: moveChapter 274: intensifyChapter 410: terrorChapter 199: appallChapter 367: hopeChapter 213: sound outChapter 256: trembleChapter 152: sceneChapter 314:accidentChapter 390: meshChapter 25:adventureChapter 410: terrorChapter 93:detectChapter 278: stealChapter 317: factChapter 185: healingChapter 66: prosperityChapter 230: meetChapter 98:be fooledChapter 181: gainChapter 70: no salesChapter 295:performChapter 303: springeChapter 235: furyChapter 45: skillChapter 179: profit