Chapter 152: scene

The pole does not seem to be able to move now, otherwise there is a risk of collapse at any time.

There is no other way to get into the car and use this iron rod to support longer space.

Think about it, lift your feet, hold the body with the other hand, and drill hard in.

"be careful, doctor. Don't hurt yourself."

"Don't worry, I've practiced my family."

Into the car, Ye Tao bow back, hands hold the iron rod, gently drag in, until the iron rod to the deepest depression in the car, hands to the right hard, the car's internal space began to expand slowly, the iron rod also has the sound of friction, silk sand from the top of the iron rod fell.

Ye Tao's face was ferocious, and the whole features were twisted into a lump, but his feet were bound so that he could not produce all his strength, and the speed at which the iron rod stood up was very slow.

When he saw the sound of breathing getting weaker and weaker, the big beads of sweat fell from Ye Tao's forehead. He knew that in any case, he should try his best to get the child out of the car.

finally! The iron rod stood up, and Ye Tao bowed down to hold the lower part of the wooden pole against the pieces of the car.

"Auntie, can you put that iron rod in, too? the children's room for activity is still too **all."

"all right!" The woman hurriedly answered, saw the iron pole standing upside down in the middle of the road, the woman ran away quickly, this speed is even the athlete wants to marvel at it!

The woman put the iron pole in front of Ye Tao, breathless, face iron green, it seems that there has not been any sports before, in this way there is still some potential.

Ye Tao slowly took the iron rod into the car again, 30 centimeters with the previous iron rod, repeat the previous action, fortunately, the space is slightly larger than before, plus the top floor of the prized car has been loosened, so this time it is easy and very fast.

After some twists and turns, the space in the car can finally let Ye Tao take away a box of water from the child. Moving his feet, there was still not enough space in the car for his taller ***** to move. Ye Tao's ankle was cut several centimeters long by an iron sheet in the car.

Ye Tao opened his lips painfully and did not stop the movement in his hand. He just picked up a box of water that pressed the car on the child with one hand.

"Wei Min! Come here! "

When I saw Wei Min wandering around outside, everyone here was carrying out emergency rescue at the scene. Only Wei Min wandered around casually like a man with nothing to do with it.

Hearing Ye Tao shouting himself, Wei Min turned his head and looked for Ye Tao's figure. She found that he had not been found. She thought it was an illusion. She turned her head and continued to wander around.

"Wei Min, I'm in the car. The yellow license plate is three, two, four!"

It turned out that she did not hear, Wei Min heard, trotted over, saw Ye Tao in the car funny posture, can not help laughing out: "you see what you are doing, this posture, so funny, ha ha!"

"what are you laughing at? can't you see there's still a child in there who needs first aid? Help me get the water out of my hand. My hand can't hold up! "

Listen, Ye Min immediately took the water, put the water on the ground, only then saw the child blocked by Ye Tao under his body.

Painful lips vaguely have blood, one side of the eye has been cut a button, the nose is also covered with dust, the whole person is dying, let people see is really heartache.

"is there anything else I can do for you?"

"I'll pick up the baby later, and you pick it up for me and put him on that stretcher over there."

"OK" Wei Min is ready to take over the children at any time, the whole person has become serious, hot sun red lips, see who will not be moved?

Ye Tao gently picked up the child for fear of any mistake and lost the child's life.

"here you go. Now he's hurt all over. Don't hurt him."

After taking over the child, Wei Min carefully hugged the child on the next stretcher. Ye Tao staggered and jumped out of the car. The whole person was oppressed for a long time, his calf numb, and almost fell.

Some unnaturally walked to the child, stretched out his hand to give the child a pulse, fortunately there is still some time, as long as grasp the opportunity, the child's life back is not a problem.

There are also some elixir in the bag, previously picked in Weimeng Mountain has the effect of relieving pain, plus to Weimenshan to go to the bazaar to buy Ning Ye Zhu can be combined with Bailing Grass, cure wounds, repair disabled tissue, but this needs to have alcohol!?

"Wei Min, go and get some alcohol."

I heard that Wei Min quickly ran to the temporary relief point and asked the nurse to get some alcohol. Looks like it's a little useful to wander around!

On Wei Min's way to get the alcohol, Ye Tao took out a few silver needles and had two deep needles on the soles of the child's feet. Ye Tao **iled a little and **iled, then took out the silver needle from his forehead to his chest, and put a silver needle on all different acupoints.

Next to it was a busy nurse who was surprised to see it.

"what are you doing? You're gonna kill a kid like this! There is no point in needling in this way, so you can't just don't just stick it around! "

Ye Tao did not pay attention to it, but more carefully tied the needle.

The nurse still had other patients to take care of. After looking at the child, he was dying to save the child. It was almost impossible. He did not say anything and continued to live in his hand.

The child's eyelids moved and murmured.

"Mom, I'm in pain. I'm in pain!"

"there's a mother here, son. Don't worry about a doctor saving you." The woman looked at no one else willing to help her children, only to believe in Ye Tao, in any case, only a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"the alcohol was brought in, and Ye Tao's eyes immediately glowed. He took the alcohol, chewed Ning Ye Zhu and Bailing Grass with his mouth, threw up in the alcohol bottle, and casually picked up the sticks on the root and stirred them constantly.

Ye Tao's whole T-shirt was wet, his cheeks were falling with sweat, and they caught up with the weather.

Pour the medicine from the child's mouth, although a little sprinkled, fortunately the child is still obedient, basically drink the medicine.

"cough, cough!" After the child drank all the medicine, she could not help coughing twice, and the woman patted the child on the back in pain.

"Don't be afraid, kid. How are you feeling? are you much better?"

The child opened his eyes weakly, looked around, was stimulated by the strong light, suddenly covered with his hands, but was painfully put down his arms, nestling in the arms of the woman, looking at it was really painful.

"I just basically saved the child's life. The paramedics have arrived. I'll ask them to take the child to the hospital first."

"Thank you! By the way, I don't know what your name is, if you leave your phone number, so it's convenient to contact you in the future. "

Many connections and many roads, and do not look at the woman dressed in rags, words, the movement is all the demeanor, and the appearance is beautiful, the eyes are clear, should be a very kind person, Ye Tao agreed, the two left a Wechat.

Ambulance personnel arrived in time, workers dressed in work clothes, the scene of the injured to the hospital in an orderly manner, fortunately, the resulting death toll is not very large, most of them are seriously injured.

Wei Min looked at Ye Tao and felt that he was very tall and masculine, and could not be admired.

With Wei Min's envious eyes, Ye Tao was startled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I think you're just a little good."

"really? My medical skills have always been so good! "

Cut ~

Ye Tao gave Wei Min a white eye and signaled that she should not be so arrogant, or there would be no good fruit to eat!

About two hours later, Ye Tao helped the medical staff present arrange the injured people at the scene, clean up the scene, and took a taxi to Wei's house.

Chapter 11: FailureChapter 178: consultChapter 334:worshipChapter 314:accidentChapter 298: HelpChapter 190: founderChapter 157: apologyChapter 317: factChapter 279: hunterChapter 185: healingChapter 415: palacesChapter 83: worryChapter 117: shockChapter 164: meaningChapter 183: botherChapter 375: hypnosisChapter 162: lessonChapter 345: activateChapter 125: contestChapter 54: donationChapter 278: stealChapter 401: agreementChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 100:argumentChapter 53: stop itChapter 204: send wordChapter 357: conspireChapter 81:strifeChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 357: conspireChapter 138: momentChapter 165: tactChapter 227: thoughtChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 123: discoveryChapter 302: birthdayChapter 234: doubtChapter 164: meaningChapter 142: etiologyChapter 72: good luckChapter 327: donationChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 225: adviseChapter 363: matchChapter 164: meaningChapter 23: tough guestChapter 32: longgeChapter 263: companyChapter 82:reportChapter 374: controlChapter 383: destroyChapter 79: teaseChapter 233: tail afterChapter 226: reliqueChapter 95:kneel downChapter 105: referralChapter 374: controlChapter 257: angerChapter 417: intactChapter 173: requestChapter 82:reportChapter 156: happenChapter 28: awakenChapter 122: ferret outChapter 165: tactChapter 417: intactChapter 151: mistakeChapter 249: sneerChapter 152: sceneChapter 271: rapidChapter 196: improveChapter 173: requestChapter 166: shockChapter 110: suppliersChapter 183: botherChapter 67:postChapter 227: thoughtChapter 255: worryChapter 206: killerChapter 74: sprainChapter 200: situationChapter 31:meansChapter 397: prisonChapter 298: HelpChapter 393: Method ofChapter 396: wangChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 110: suppliersChapter 154: forgiveChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 255: worryChapter 262: fearfulChapter 242: hot airChapter 261:meaningChapter 303: springeChapter 382: chaosChapter 205: businessChapter 225: adviseChapter 397: prisonChapter 14:Hurry up
Chapter 11: FailureChapter 178: consultChapter 334:worshipChapter 314:accidentChapter 298: HelpChapter 190: founderChapter 157: apologyChapter 317: factChapter 279: hunterChapter 185: healingChapter 415: palacesChapter 83: worryChapter 117: shockChapter 164: meaningChapter 183: botherChapter 375: hypnosisChapter 162: lessonChapter 345: activateChapter 125: contestChapter 54: donationChapter 278: stealChapter 401: agreementChapter 386: epiphanyChapter 100:argumentChapter 53: stop itChapter 204: send wordChapter 357: conspireChapter 81:strifeChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 357: conspireChapter 138: momentChapter 165: tactChapter 227: thoughtChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 123: discoveryChapter 302: birthdayChapter 234: doubtChapter 164: meaningChapter 142: etiologyChapter 72: good luckChapter 327: donationChapter 146: Snow threeChapter 225: adviseChapter 363: matchChapter 164: meaningChapter 23: tough guestChapter 32: longgeChapter 263: companyChapter 82:reportChapter 374: controlChapter 383: destroyChapter 79: teaseChapter 233: tail afterChapter 226: reliqueChapter 95:kneel downChapter 105: referralChapter 374: controlChapter 257: angerChapter 417: intactChapter 173: requestChapter 82:reportChapter 156: happenChapter 28: awakenChapter 122: ferret outChapter 165: tactChapter 417: intactChapter 151: mistakeChapter 249: sneerChapter 152: sceneChapter 271: rapidChapter 196: improveChapter 173: requestChapter 166: shockChapter 110: suppliersChapter 183: botherChapter 67:postChapter 227: thoughtChapter 255: worryChapter 206: killerChapter 74: sprainChapter 200: situationChapter 31:meansChapter 397: prisonChapter 298: HelpChapter 393: Method ofChapter 396: wangChapter 60:repay a debtChapter 110: suppliersChapter 154: forgiveChapter 247: tit for tatChapter 255: worryChapter 262: fearfulChapter 242: hot airChapter 261:meaningChapter 303: springeChapter 382: chaosChapter 205: businessChapter 225: adviseChapter 397: prisonChapter 14:Hurry up