

“This is the most critical moment of the outbreak. As long as everyone stays together and stays quietly at home, even if they go out, they take active precautions, I believe this place will soon become the safest place.(現在是疫情最關鍵的時刻,大家只要團結一心,安靜地待在家裡,即使是外出,也要積極做好防護措施,我相信,這裡很快就能變成最安全的地方。)”在問天有序的布控之下,整個骷髏部落已經是一片安靜。



凱麗問道(法語):“Munari! Quand la maladie a-t-elle été détectée?(穆納裡!病情是在什麼時候發現的?)”

穆納裡回答說(法語):“Jusqu’à plus de sept mois, nous avons peu de souche, les affections bientôt également en général, entre le virus de quelques mois, qui a coûté la vie à sept dans les tribus de souche et continus, presque chaque mois une souche meurent à cause de la infectés par le vih, le père et les anciens de conscience, aussi une tribu va bientôt confrontés à la crise, nos quotidiennement de dieu nous impuissant!(是七個多月之前。一直以來,我們的族人很少生病,一般上的病症也會很快自愈,可這種病毒在幾個月之間,就連續奪走了部落裡七個族人的生命,幾乎是每個月就有一個族人因爲感染了病毒而死去。父親和族裡的長老們意識到了病毒的危險,也意識到了部落就要面臨滅亡的危機,我們天天都在祈求上蒼,可我們卻無能爲力!)”說到最後,穆納裡的聲音竟已是哽咽,眼淚也不由自主地滴下。


問天思索了一會,說道:“Perhaps the virus has always been latent in the tribe, but not in large Numbers.(或許,部落裡一直都潛在着這種病毒,只是沒有大量暴發出來。)”

布萊特問道:“Why is that?(這又是爲什麼?)”

問天:“Because tribal people long-term blend in with nature, and to fight bad environment for a long time, I had a good physique, physical quality is very good, can produce a kind of resistance to virus, cells in the body can kill the virus, people can self-healing, so, self-healing is associated with physical, for immune function and improve more, but once the body appeared defects, the virus can penetrate, cause person in siming.(因爲部落族人長期融入在大自然之中,長期和惡劣環境搏鬥,練就了一個好體格,身體素質非常好,對於病毒就會產生一種抵抗力,身體中的細胞就可以把病毒消滅,人就可以自愈,所以,自愈與體質有關,多爲免疫功能健全的人,但一旦身體出現了缺陷,病毒就會長驅直入,致人於死命。)”

布萊特:“Will the virus spread?(那病毒還會不會傳播出去?)”

問天:“Of course can, outside of the people, physical quality is impossible to compare with the tribal people, once infected, the risk can be imagined!(當然能,外界的人,身體素質根本就不可能和部落裡的族人來比,一旦被感染,危險度可想而知!)”

高曉飛:“How can people who are not infected prevent it?(那沒有被感染的人又該如何預防?)”

問天:“Prevention method is not only to wear masks and wash their hands, because these are passive defense, more important is to drink lots of water because of the body most susceptible to infection in the place such as eye, nose, mouth secretion of human body mucous membrane liquid has its own antibodies, can be resistant to infection, drinking more water can promote the secretion of mucosa tissue fluid itself against the virus, the more mucous membrane tissue fluid secretion, the stronger the resistance, when feeling thirsty, is a serious shortage of mucous membrane liquid secretion, so please timely water adequately, improve their immunity.(預防的方法不僅是要佩戴口罩和勤洗手,這些都是被動防禦,更重要的是要大量飲水。因爲人體最容易被病毒感染的部位在口眼鼻等處,人體分泌的粘膜液有自身的抗體,可以抗感染,多喝水可促進自身粘膜組織液的分泌來抵抗病毒。粘膜組織液分泌越多,抵抗能力越強。當感覺口渴時,已經是粘膜液分泌嚴重不足的狀態了,所以請大家及時充分地飲水,提高自身免疫力。)”

布萊特:“How did the virus in the tribe get there?How did they get infected?(那部落裡的病毒又是怎樣來的?他們又是怎麼被感染的?)”

問天嘆惜道:“The carrier of this virus should be bats, but people are not necessarily directly infected by bats, there are many carriers, almost all wild animals have the possibility of tran**ission, such as hedgehogs, raccoons, pangolins, wild boar, rabbits, groundhogs, snakes, civets and so on, tran**ission will be higher.(這種病毒的攜帶者應該是蝙蝠,但族人不一定就是直接被蝙蝠感染,傳播者有很多,幾乎所有的野生動物都有傳播的可能,例如刺蝟、浣熊、穿山甲、野豬、野兔、土撥鼠、蛇、果子狸等等,傳播性會更高。)”

高曉飛道:“Since bats are so poisonous, just get rid of them and let them die out.(既然蝙蝠這麼毒,乾脆就除掉它們,讓它們滅絕算了。)”

問天搖了搖頭:“Known as the god of death, bats are also super poisonous Kings. They carry a variety of viruses, including SARS, ebola and nipah.In addition, because bats are able to fly freely, they are also known as mobile virus libraries or virus trucks, but they are only carriers and do not infect humans without cause.(蝙蝠有死神之稱,也是超級毒王,它們身上攜帶着多種的病毒,非典、埃博拉、尼帕等病毒都在其中。另外,因蝙蝠能夠自由飛翔,也被稱爲移動的病毒庫或病毒卡車,但它們只是攜帶者,不會無端端把病毒傳染給人類。)”

高曉飛道:“Anyway, in my impression, bats do not seem to be worthy of love, they are so ugly and scary, I even wonder if they are evolved from mice.(反正在我的印象中,蝙蝠似乎並不是什麼值得喜愛的動物,它們長得也太醜陋太恐怖了,我甚至懷疑,它們是不是由老鼠進化而來。)”

問天道:“We nor all the blame onto the bat, objectively speaking, what makes human disaster by viruses, should be human rather than a bat, the bat and the opposite of human activities, they there is no too much overlap with human, just like the last time we met in the gates of the underworld of vampire bats, we just broke into their territory, and we save, murder is only at the end of the day, the biggest fault is in the us.(我們也不能把罪責都推給蝙蝠。客觀地說,真正使人類遭受病毒禍難的,應該是人類而非蝙蝠,蝙蝠與人類的作息截然相反,它們與人類本無過多的交集,就像我們上次在冥界之門中遇到的吸血蝙蝠一樣,只是我們闖入了它們的地盤,而我們爲了保命,就只有大開殺戒,說到底,最大的過錯還是在我們。)”

“Anyway, I dare not provoke death for nothing!(反正,我可不敢無端端去招惹死神!)”布萊特聳了聳肩膀說。

問天感慨道:“Therefore, we should treat the bat from a dialectical point of view, not be bound by conventional thinking, to fully understand it, not a leaf blind, otherwise, it is more difficult to see the world.(所以,對於蝙蝠這種生物,我們要以辯證的觀點看待,不要被常規思想所束縛了,要全面認識它,不要一葉蔽目,否則,就更加難以看清世界。)”


高曉飛驚訝道:“What tree is that?How amazing!It was like a tree full of sausages.(那是什麼樹?好神奇啊!簡直讓人意想不到,就好像在一棵樹上結滿了香腸。)”


穆納裡一笑說(法語):“Pas mal, ça s’appelle vraiment un arbre de saucisses.(不錯啊,那還真叫香腸樹。)”

聽了凱麗的翻譯,大家更是驚異。高曉飛笑道:“Is it really called the sausage tree?When I was a child, when I read a fairy tale, I thought that some trees would be full of bread or all kinds of candy. I thought it was just to cheat children, just to lay the groundwork for the story.(還真叫香腸樹啊?小時候看童話故事,說有些樹上會結滿了麪包,或者是開滿了各種各樣的糖果,我都以爲只是騙騙小孩子,只是爲了故事中的劇情鋪墊而已,可沒想到,就連結滿了香腸的樹也同樣存在,神奇,太神奇了!)”


穆納裡對着凱麗介紹道(法語):“C’est seulement parce que ce fruit ressemble à une saucisse qu’il est appelé saucissonnier, et c’est aussi pour faciliter la suspension des chauves-souris pour la récolte du miel en poudre, ce qui contribue à sa propre croissance.(就因爲這果實長得像香腸,所以才叫香腸樹,之所以果實長成這個樣子,也是爲了方便蝙蝠懸掛採蜜受粉,對本身的生長也有幫助。)”


高曉飛笑道:“This sausage is too tempting, this is the temptation of food!It itself has a unique temptation, saliva can't help but flow down!(這香腸也太誘人了,這就是美食的誘惑!它本身就具有獨特的誘惑,口水都會情不自禁地流下來!”


“Good move!(好身手啊!)”四個人都忍不住出聲讚歎。

穆納裡拿着香腸果過來,笑着對凱麗說道(法語):“Vous en avez tous goûté, le goût est doux, mûr ou non, le goût est le même, il n’y a pas de goutte astringente, et il y a du vin de saucissons et de fruits à la maison, que je vous ferai boire plus tard.(你們都嚐嚐,味道是甜甜的,無論成熟與否,味道都是一樣的,不會有澀味。家裡還釀有香腸果酒,等會請你們喝。)”

凱麗一翻譯,高曉飛就忍不住接過一個香腸果咬了一口,稱讚道:“It's really sweet!(還真是香香甜甜的!)”



“Lots of bats!(好多的蝙蝠!)”布萊特仰頭看着空中的蝙蝠。

凱麗問道(法語):“Munari! D’où viennent ces chauves-souris?(穆納裡!這些蝙蝠是從哪裡來的?)”

穆納裡回答道(法語):“Il y avait beaucoup de grottes autour de la tribu, où vivaient des chauves-souris qui, au crésoir, volaient pour se nourrir, mais les chauves-souris ne nous avaient jamais attaqué pour nous faire du mal.(部落的周圍有很多的山洞,洞裡都住着蝙蝠,一到黃昏時分就會飛出來覓食,但蝙蝠從來沒有襲擊傷害過我們。)”



凱麗拿着那段大拇指般粗壯的香腸果藤,只見果藤的上端被穆納裡手上的利器齊齊地割斷,卻又不見她手上拿着任何的刀具,忍不住好奇,問道(法語):“Munari!Vous n’avez pas pris un couteau, mais vous avez coupé avec quoi une vigne aussi grosse?(穆納裡!你沒有拿刀,卻是用什麼割斷這麼粗的果藤?)”



凱麗把鱗甲交還給穆納裡,問道(法語):“Munari! Avez-vous l’habitude de préder des pangolins?(穆納裡!你們是不是有捕食穿山甲的習慣?)”

穆納裡點了點頭,說道(法語):“Oui, toutes nos sources de nourriture viennent de la forêt tropicale, et la plupart de nos prédateurs sont les sangins, parce que les sangins sont très nombreux, et les pangolins, utilisés pour la prédation, ont un effet exorcisant dans notre tradition et sont en même temps un symbole noble.(是的,我們的食物來源都是來自雨林,主要捕食的是野豬,因爲野豬的數量非常多。而捕食穿山甲,在我們這裡的傳統中有着驅邪作用,同時也是一種尊貴的象徵。)”






“Well, why are you speaking Chinese again?(嗯,你們怎麼又說中文了?)”布萊特忍不住出聲抗議。


布萊特一攤雙手,感嘆道:“Life on earth is facing extinction crisis, with the emergence of problems such as deterioration of the natural environment, many of the world's endangered species, caused by the mass extinction of the culprit, is the human, because human activity destroyed the natural environment, widespread habitats disappear, greatly damage the ecological balance, the biodiversity of the natural cannot be maintained, the extinction of species will also directly affect the survival of mankind.(地球上的生命正面臨滅絕危機,隨着自然環境惡化等問題的出現,世界上許多物種瀕臨滅絕,而造成大量物種滅絕的罪魁禍首,是人類,因爲人類活動破壞了自然環境,大面積生物棲息地消失,極大地破壞了生態平衡,自然的生物多樣性無法維持,物種的滅絕也將直接影響人類的生存。)”



“Is it true that pangolins spread the virus?(難道,真的是穿山甲傳播了病毒嗎?)”高曉飛滿臉疑惑。

問天嘆息道:“Pangolins are only a species that has been almost killed and overhunted to extinction. However, they should not be accused of carrying the virus because of human's mistakes. Otherwise, words cannot describe the absurdity.(穿山甲只是一個幾乎被人類濫捕濫殺到快要絕跡的物種,卻也不應該因人類所犯下的錯誤而背上病毒傳播載體的罪名,不然的話,這種荒謬將無法用言語來形容!)”

布萊特一攤雙手,說:“Yeah!If they don't catch the pangolin to eat, they won't catch the virus, but it must be a source of the virus and an intermediate tran**ission host, right?(是啊!要是他們不把穿山甲抓來吃,那就不會感染病毒,可總得是一個病毒的源頭和中間的傳播宿主吧?)”

問天感嘆道:“I worry now, it is not just a skeleton tribe, but the outside, outside the city, eat more wild animals, wild animals outside in the market are a large number of sales, so the bat virus to the pangolin scales or civets, infected animals to be shipped to the food market, and then placed on the table, human eat these animals, will become a super king poison, will infect others, cross infection between people, it marked the beginning of virus outbreak.(我現在擔心的,並不僅僅是骷髏部落,而是外界。在外面的城市裡,食用野生動物的人更多,野生動物在外面的市場上被大量銷售,所以,蝙蝠的病毒傳給了穿山甲或果子狸,感染病毒的動物們被運送到食材市場,再擺上了人類的餐桌。吃了這些動物的人,就會成爲一個超級毒王,將病毒傳染給其他人。人與人之間的交叉傳染,就標誌着病毒疫情的開始氾濫。)”


布萊特說道:“There are eight species of pangolins in the world, four in Asia and four in Africa.(全球現存有八個種類的穿山甲,四種在亞洲,四種在非洲,但都已經到了要滅絕的狀態了!)”他是動保人士,對於野生動物的分佈和現狀有着一定的瞭解。

問天:“So whether the intermediate host of the virus is the pangolin or the civet, it's time for humans to rethink!Everything has a spirit. If we don't protect it, many species will disappear completely.(所以,不管病毒傳播的中間宿主是不是穿山甲,或者是果子狸,都到了人類不得不反思的時候了!萬物皆有靈,如果不加大保護力度,很多的物種就都會徹底消失!)”







布萊特感嘆道:“So, who is the real death?Is a bat?Pangolin?Civet?Or some other wild animal?(那麼,誰纔是真正的死神?是蝙蝠?是穿山甲?是果子狸?還是別的野生動物?)”

問天搖了搖頭:“No, this is just a revenge of the species. The evil in the world is almost caused by the ignorance of human beings. What human beings eat is not only the game, but also the future of the whole world.For nature, viruses are a balancing act, natural selection, so aggression pays!If humans go on behaving like this, wild animals will one day cage them all!(都不是,這只是一次物種的報復,人世間的罪惡,幾乎都是由人類的愚昧無知造成的,人類吃的不僅僅只是野味,其實吃的是整個世界的未來;對於大自然來說,病毒就是在搞平衡,物競天擇,所以,侵犯就要付出代價!如果人類再這樣一意孤行下去,那麼總有一天,野生動物會把人類都關進籠子裡!)”

所有的人都深深地感嘆:“It turns out that humans are the real viruses on earth!(原來,人類,纔是地球真正的病毒!)”

問天嘆惜道:“The future of mankind, to face than the war more terrible war, that is, the virus against human attacks, casualties will be in the tens of millions of levels;The future of human survival and development history, is the history of the battle with the virus!(人類的今後,要面臨着比戰爭更可怕的戰爭,那就是病毒對人類所發生的攻擊,死傷將會以千萬級別來計;人類今後的生存與發展史,就是與病毒的鬥爭史!)”

凱麗輕輕地感嘆了一聲,說道:“In the eyes of nature, human beings are no different from other creatures living on the earth.Even if the disappearance of human beings, the earth is only to return to the original, the protection of the earth, in the final ****ysis, is to protect human beings themselves.(在大自然的眼中,人類與其它生活在地球上的生物並沒有什麼不同,就連小得微不足道的病毒都有摧毀人類的能力;就算人類消失,地球也不過是回到原來的樣子,保護地球,歸根結底就是保護人類自己。)”

問天:“Perhaps, really to the global spread of the virus, only in the face of the virus, mankind will truly understand what is a community of Shared future for mankind.In order to survive, human beings must follow the path of pursuing power and civilization, and devote themselves to realizing the harmonious relationship between human beings, human beings and animals, and human beings and nature. This is the pursuit of the core value of human society endowed by The Times and the only way out for human society.(也許,真要到了病毒全球蔓延,只有在病毒的面前,人類纔會真正領會到,什麼是人類命運共同體。人類要生存,就必須要走追求力量文明的道路,致力於實現人與人,人與動物,人與自然的和諧關係,這是時代賦予人類社會核心價值的追求,也是人類社會唯一的出路。)”

“The ignorance and greed of human beings have been killing wild animals for food, but before they shoot, why don't they think that after the gun is fired, there will be no winner.And it's going to spread until it does, and then when it does, it's going to be blamed on wildlife. Who's the real death?(人類無知、貪婪、大肆捕殺食用野生動物,可他們在開槍之前,爲什麼就沒有想到,槍響之後,沒有贏家?而且,這將會造成病毒的傳播蔓延。等到了病毒真正席捲全球的時候,肯定又會怪罪是野生動物的傳播,到底,誰纔是真正的死神?)”

“Man and nature, need to seek a balance!(人和自然,需要尋求一個平衡!)”

“But there are always people who, because of their stupidity and greed, try to break the balance and end up in disaster!(可總是有人因爲愚蠢和貪婪,企圖打破這種平衡,最終釀成大禍!)”

“When human beings take everything from nature to satisfy their own desires, they will eventually ask for trouble!(當人類爲了滿足自己的私慾而對大自然無盡索取時,終會自討苦吃!)”

